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Emma Holly

I'm a USA Today bestselling author who LOVES the hot stuff, both to read and to write. My favorite obsessions are all things coffee, almost everything on HGTV, and dreaming up new stories.

“Who among us is free? Only those who see their chains know what freedom means.-pg. 123 Welland Hevington, A Memoir "The Demon's Daughter”
Emma Holly
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“Children are our future. We cannot allow them to run amok.-pg. 167 The Collected Sayings of the Emperor "The Demon's Daughter”
Emma Holly
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“‎"You want more?" she asked a bit breathlessly. "Even after what we did?"His mouth took on a sardonic twist. "I'm afraid quantity usually matters for me . . ."--THE PRINCESS'S ASSASSINS”
Emma Holly
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“My toes are going to come,"-MariannThe Night Owl”
Emma Holly
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