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Erica Eisdorfer

“ suffer the rich to do as they wish and hold the less fortunate to a higher standard. Tis unfair and tis the dirty part of the world that we all live in, but there it is just the same.”
Erica Eisdorfer
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“That's the difference between us {the poor} and them {the rich}, I thought. We know all of what's bad because we can't keep from it. They live in their big houses and the walls are thick enough around them to keep the bad out.”
Erica Eisdorfer
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“Losing a baby is not a thing that you could ever get used to, I don't believe.”
Erica Eisdorfer
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“...I understand what my body's for. My bosom is as deep as all the oceans and my hips as wide as the fields...”
Erica Eisdorfer
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“...For having a baby's sweet face so close to your own, for so long a time as it takes to nurse 'em, is a great tonic for a sad soul.”
Erica Eisdorfer
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