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Erica O'Rourke

I write books about girls who make their own fate and fall for boys they shouldn't.

I live outside Chicago. I like to travel but I'll never really leave this city.

I prefer cookies to cake (even cupcakes), television to movies, and autumn to all the other seasons.

I like sushi, naps, coffee, and driving stick shift.

I hate fish, emoticons, bridges, and talking about myself.

Click here for more about me.

“People fail each other all the time, Mo, and they forgive each other, and start again. It's a question of knowing the other person's limitations. Knowing what's fair to expect of them. Knowing what's fair for them to expect of you.”
Erica O'Rourke
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“We don't need an alarm system. We barely have anythings worth stealing.""Do you want me moving in?""NO!""then you're getting an alarm.”
Erica O'Rourke
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“Justice is about making them pay for [her] pain. Revenge is making them pay for yours.”
Erica O'Rourke
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“People spot a big black lens, and they worry about what they're doing, or how their hair looks. Nobody see the person holding the camera.”
Erica O'Rourke
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“No! See, that's the thing-you were the one I would have chosen, even if there were no fate."..."I wanted you, even when I wasn't supposed to be with you.”
Erica O'Rourke
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“How's Cujo?""He's good. Thank you for saving him." ..."You asked," he said with a shrug.”
Erica O'Rourke
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“The guy from the bar appeared silently at Uncle Billy's side, his expression cool and steady. He nodded at me once, and turned to my uncle. Seeing him face-to-face,I knew, absolutely, he wasn't just a regular customer. He was a complicationa. A big one. "Mo, meet Colin Donnelly. Your bodyguard.”
Erica O'Rourke
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“your swoonin' needs work." his accent was back. "so does your alias," I snapped. "Dr.Smith? Seriously? Why not John Doe? And how is it that everybody around here seems to buy you're a doctor? you don't look enough to drink, let alone practice medicine”
Erica O'Rourke
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“In the end, though, it doesn't really matter. I think the key is to accept who you are, however you got that way. To embrace it, without reservations or hesitations. Because once you own who you are, it's not a limitation anymore. It's a source of strenght."- Mo”
Erica O'Rourke
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