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Erika Lopez

“What doesn't kill you will eventually turn you on”
Erika Lopez
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“Everyone hopes to go through life and find their burning bush that tells them what they're here for. Some never find it. And some find their burning bush goes away with a little prescription cream.”
Erika Lopez
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“Really, I want to get this individualistic-thing down. I want to walk across the football field alone without looking like the last one picked to play soccer. I never was a cheerleader, I was a slut on my own with the thinking that if a tree has a good time and no one's around to hear it, it's not a slut. But sometimes you do need another tree around to double-dare you, or else you might end up doing nothing but watching TV when no one's around. ”
Erika Lopez
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“I / I am a girl who feels too American for love...they say I'm a child of an AT&T café olé telephone-commercial future where your nose is not flat enough to offend/and not pointy enough to cut the glass ceiling. ”
Erika Lopez
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“I wanted to walk away in denial, watch the news and believe the cat was faking the whole thing for attention.”
Erika Lopez
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