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Erin Doland

Author of NEVER TOO BUSY TO CURE CLUTTER (William Morrow/HarperCollins, Jan. 2016) and UNCLUTTER YOUR LIFE IN ONE WEEK (Gallery Books/Simon and Schuster, Nov. 2009). Editor-in-chief of and a regular (4 or 5 times a year) advice columnist for REAL SIMPLE magazine.

“You can come up with reasons for why you can't do something until you're blue in the face. Instead of wasting the energy coming up with those reasons, use that same energy to find ways to make it happen. You'll be surprised at your ingenuity.”
Erin Doland
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“One of my biggest complaints about adulthood is that it's difficult to simply hang out with friends”
Erin Doland
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“Research shows that if you start your week off with good routines (things like going to the gym), you're more likely to keep up the positive behavior throughout the whole week. If you wait to start a habit until Wednesday, you'll talk yourself out of the good behavior completely with promises that you'll start next week.”
Erin Doland
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