Erin  Shaw photo

Erin Shaw

I am a California valley girl rocker chick turned Texas super mom uber geek. I've been a musician and a singer in rock bands, the manager of an auto parts store, a systems engineer, a mom, a wife and the whole time I've been writing. Poems, songs, short stories, long stories, notes to teachers, shopping lists...

I thought about trying to bribe my son to write this profile for me because good God! How hard is it to write about yourself?

Anyway, the point is that I write. A lot. About anything and everything. I can't help myself. I carry around note books with me everywhere and have been known to pull off the highway during rush hour because if I don't get my thoughts down on paper my OCD will kick in and I'll nag myself until I do.

I don't consider myself to be an author or a writer...yet. I hope to be able to someday. I'm not sure when I'll wake up one day and think "Holy shit, I'm an author!" but I'm going to keep trying to get there 'cause that would be too freaking awesome!

“Oh God", Nate dropped his head down on the arm of the couch next to Si. "Has my love life really been reduced to talking to my cat about this?" Si just licked his whiskers and waited for Nate to start talking. So he did...”
Erin Shaw
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