Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich photo

Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich

“It's bad idea to try to prevent people from knowing their own history. If you want to do anything new you must first make sure you know what people have tried before.”
Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich
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“I know a wise Buddhist monk who, in a speech to his fellow countrymen, once said he'd love to know why someone who boasts that he is the cleverest, the strongest, the bravest or the most gifted man on earth is thought ridiculous and embarrassing, whereas if, instead of 'I', he says, 'we are the most intelligent, the strongest, the bravest and the most gifted people on earth', his fellow countrymen applaud enthusiastically and call him a patriot. For there is nothing patriotic about it. One can be attached to one's own country without needing to insist that the rest of the world's inhabitants are worthless. But as more and more people were taken in by this sort of nonsense, the menace to peace grew greater.”
Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich
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“But children grow up too, and they too must learn from history how easy it is for human beings to be transformed into inhuman beings through incitement and intolerance.”
Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich
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