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Errico Malatesta

Errico Malatesta (December 14, 1853 – July 22, 1932) was an Italian anarchist. He spent much of his life exiled from Italy and in total spent more than ten years in prison. Malatesta wrote and edited a number of radical newspapers and was also a friend of Mikhail Bakunin. He was an enormously popular figure in his time. According to Brian Doherty, writer for Reason magazine, "Malatesta could get tens of thousands, sometimes more than 100,000, fans to show up whenever [he] arrived in town." (Wikipedia)

“we are, in any case, only one of the forces acting in society”
Errico Malatesta
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“In all times and in all places, whatever may be the name that the government takes, whatever has been its origin, or its organization, its essential function is always that of oppressing and exploiting the masses, and of defending the oppressors and exploiters. Its principal characteristic and indispensable instruments are the bailiff and the tax collector, the soldier and the prison. And to these are necessarily added the time-serving priest or teacher, as the case may be, supported and protected by the government, to render the spirit of the people servile and make them docile under the yoke.”
Errico Malatesta
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“Impossibility never prevented anything from happening.”
Errico Malatesta
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“Hate does not produce love, and by hate one cannot remake the world.”
Errico Malatesta
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“We anarchists do not want to emancipate the people; we want the people to emancipate themselves.”
Errico Malatesta
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