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Erynn Mangum

I love to read, love to write and am very blessed to be the mama of two precious little boys and the wife of an amazing man. Look for the Lauren Holbrook series (Miss Match, ReMatch and Match Point), the Maya Davis series (Cool Beans, Latte Daze and Double Shot) Sketchy Behavior, and the Paige Alder series (Paige Torn, Paige Rewritten and Paige Turned) in paperback and ebook format! Thank you for looking and please check out my website -

“Jen's been hiding the sugary cereals behind the granola, so I forget we have them. It's not a very nice thing to do.Jen likes the granola that feels like crackling leaves.I like cereal with taste as opposed to feelings.”
Erynn Mangum
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“Much. so there is free dessert involved here." I put my hand to my forehead. "oh, that i had discovered the job first!"Ryan laughs. "tragic."want to hear something tragic? my dad is going to a Christian singles' retreat."Ryan nearly spits out his coffee. "your dad?" he is shacking.Brandon wallops him on the back a few times. Ryan holds his hands up at him, coughing. "Stop," he croaks, standing. he inhales a few times and gets his voice back. "You would have to tell me this when my mouth was full, wouldn't you?" he sits again.I smile broadly.a Christian singles' retreat?" he repeatsYep," Brandon says. "Get the name: Marley's Michigan Marriage Makers."I cover my faceRyan's expression twists. " thats.... interesting," he says slowlyHallie frowns. "If its a Christian retreat, why is it called Marley's?"Its a denomination in Michigan," Brandon says. "Marlotist. I just call them Marley for fun."I double over until my head hits the table.There is not a denomination called Marlotist," Hallie says.Is too. I visited one of their churches when I went to Michigan to ski one time," Brandon says.My eyes blur with tears from laughing so hard and holding it all in. My shoulders start shaking.Brandon levels a good kick to my shin.Ow!" I reach for my leg. What is the name of it, Laurie?" Ryan asks.Meet Your Match in Michigan"Brandon scowls at me. " Spoilsport.”
Erynn Mangum
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“My cell rings. I answer it without looking at the caller ID."Hannah, I'm sorry." My voice is a moan."It's Ryan, actually.''"Oh. Hey, Ryan." I grin."What'd you do to Hannah?"I try to be evasive. "What are you talking about?""Uh-huh. Good try. What did you do?""She'll thank me for it one day.""Oh man! It was that bad?""Will you relax? It is not bad.""Is? Present tense? It's still going on?""Calm down, Ryan!""I have known you too long, Laurie Holbrook, to relax.”
Erynn Mangum
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“My mouth is full of Oreo, ice cream, fudge, and Cool Whip, so I just nod.This is heaven. I'm moving into one of their guest rooms.So, Laur, do you want to come with us tomorrow? You can help me plan out furniture while Nick and Ryan dig for grubs,' she says, licking her fork.Can we keep the rest of this dessert?"She grins. 'Sure.'Then I'll come.'She watches me put another bite in my mouth and close my eyes.'You're pitiful.'No, just a chocoholic.'She shakes her head. 'Same thing.”
Erynn Mangum
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“What time do you need to be at work tomorrow, Hon?' Lexi asks.Well, Ruby's back, so nine o'clock.'What does Ruby being back have to do with anything?'She's the human stopwatch, remember? Marriage doesn't change everything.”
Erynn Mangum
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“Jack's height comes from his mom. She has one of those weird "I'm taller than my husband" things going on. I find it weird anyway. Probably because I'm five foot two, and in order to marry someone shorter than me, I'd have to start searching the ranks of little people.”
Erynn Mangum
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“This is what I say: "Leave me alone!"This is how it comes out: "Leefmaown.”
Erynn Mangum
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“Mom is talking to Jack. "I hear you're interested in zoo animals."I snort. There's a sentence you don't hear too often. I fake an insulted sigh."Well, thank-you, Mother. Yes, I'm hungry, but you don't have to be so honest about it. Your tact is amazing.”
Erynn Mangum
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“I love Mr. Darcy”
Erynn Mangum
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