Euginia Herlihy[A Natural Giggler], is a British Inspirational Writer,a poet and an author of her first collection of poems 'The Experiences Of Life & Prayers' and her second title 'Take a Step Right Now Towards Your Dreams'. Her two poems 'The Master Mind Of Killing and My Hero' were selected for publication from the competition by Poetry Rivals. Now she's the contributor of the two remarkable anthologies:Suspended In Ink and Ever-Flowing Ink. She's a dreamer and she believes that every single person on this planet is a dreamer.Her goal is to help people to find their dreams and live the life of purpose.
“It took just an ordinary stick to free the Jewish people.”
“It could take few drops of cooking oil to change your life, your neibourghs,your community, your village, your city, your county or your entire country.”
“That agony, that pain, that struggle, that rejection takes you to the place of grasping your dreams.”
“You have dreams to fulfil! You have goals to reach! You have missions to accomplish!”
“If you want to fulfil your dreams, you don't walk with chickens you soar with eagles.”
“There are times when the world around you becomes so quiet, so silent in the midst of your achievements. No wows, no congrats absolutely zilch. You just have to learn to keep it together, move forward and never stop believing in yourself, never stop loving yourself and the things you love to do that made you the person you are right now. Be proud of yourself.”
“Sometimes when you have a wild dream [massive vision]people intend to run away from you but is not that they hate you or jealous of you. Simply they can't see what you see, they can't hear what you hear and they don't know what you know. The best thing is to love them in spite of their silence.”
“Let those who can sing to sing on top of their voices and those who dance to dance to their very best rhythm.”
“Let those who can write to write and bring more knowldge and understading to the society. And let those who can read to read out loud for every ear to hear.”
“To be a people's pleaser is a dangerous game and to be truthful makes you unpopular, which one are you gonna choose?”
“Folks look around, what do you see and what do you have in your hand or in your house? Don't you ever underestimate what is in your hand or in your house, it doesn't matter how little it is.”
“You will never achieve anything without a desire.”
“Writing is my life,a God given gift; no one on this planet can separate me from it.”
“Stick on your originality, yes I know few people will call you a boring person but millions will fall in love with you because of your authenticity.”
“A giggler always wins his/her enemies.”
“I learned to ambush the fear and I managed to turn vulnerability to ruthlessness.”
“Everyone of us is very special, very unique, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, very well or unwell. We have loads of dreams ahead of us. So we have to amount those dreams that's all matters.”