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Evangeline Collins

Evangeline Collins is an award winning author of sensual historical romance. An avid reader, it wasn't until she exhausted her local library's supply of historical romance novels that she decided to try her hand at writing her own. Much to her delight, she discovered a new passion. And she has been hard at work crafting her romances ever since.

Her titles include

Her Ladyship’s Companion


Seven Nights to Forever

, which was the RT Book Reviews 2010 Reviewers’ Choice Best Book winner for Most Innovative Historical Romance.

For more information, please visit Evangeline at www.EvangelineCollins.com

“And what of you Lady Sterling? Do you have any news?" Mrs. Tavisham asked.Yes, an impossibly gorgeous man ravished me in my carriage . Quite a most delightful afternoon. Bella resisted the urge to lick her lips and instead smiled politely."No, nothing of interest.”
Evangeline Collins
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“One by one, she undid the metal buttons. The last one proved difficult, but with a determined tug, it released. His stomach muscles contracted as she reached inside to gently pull out his erection. She had at first thought to remove his trousers, but the sight of him sprawled decadently in the chair, legs spread, the placket open and draping his upper thigh, magnificent c*ck standing at attention . . . No, the trousers would stay exactly where they were.”
Evangeline Collins
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“...It had been the Frenchwoman's idea to send Gideon as a gift.It should rankle, it should abrade his pride, to have been given as a gift. To be chosen like one would choose a necklace or a bauble. A shiny trinket to brighten a lady's day. But it didn't. He cocked his head, searching for any hint of wounded male pride. Nothing. In fact, he was pleased.”
Evangeline Collins
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“He chuckled, a low, amused rumble. The girl was accustomed to his presence in Bella's bedchamber, but on previous occasions he hadn't been fully hard, his c*ck straining beneath black wool trousers. Apparently he had embarrassed her. Too bad. He was not up to the task of hiding his desires until she left the room tonight.”
Evangeline Collins
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“Bella-Bella," he whispered.She reluctantly opened her eyes."Good morning," he said with a wide smile, lips wet from their kisses. The crests of his cheekbones were flushed lightly. His eyes sparkled with happiness.”
Evangeline Collins
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“He had no choice. None at all. His kind rarely did.His shoulders slumped in resignation. He hung his head. His will, his pride, gone.”
Evangeline Collins
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“Come for me." His words were a plea, whispered hotly in her ear.”
Evangeline Collins
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“After dinner that evening they retired to her bedchamber. Gideon had quite opened her eyes over the last few days. Quick trysts in carriages were one thing, but when they were in bed . . . Oh, the things he did to her. He maneuvered her, flipping and turning and arranging limbs as though she weighed nothing. The rhythm never lost, each change in position finding some new sublime spot.”
Evangeline Collins
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“But what the long walk had not done was reveal the cause of the inherent distaste that had sprung out of nowhere overtaking her there under the tree. On the cold, damp grass, or up against the rough tree trunk. He had done it many times without a second thought, and in more challenging situations. It would have been nothing at all to wrap her long legs around his waist, brace one hand against the tree trunk, hold her tight with his other arm, and give the lady exactly what she wanted.But for some reason he had not been able to do it. For the first time in his life, his body had been willing but his mind had not. Labeling the experience unpleasant would be a severe understatement.”
Evangeline Collins
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“If I could, I would summon the sun for you."Her step faltered and she looked slowly over to him with a smile full of unexpected joy. "Thank you, but I don't need the sun today.""And why is that?""You're here," she said simply, as if that were answer enough.”
Evangeline Collins
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