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Eve Edwards

“My thoughts are wing'd with hopes,My hopes with love.Thoughts, hopes and love return to me no more,Until Cynthia shine as she hath done before.”
Eve Edwards
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“Handsome young men or books? Hmm. The handsome men win every time”
Eve Edwards
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“That had been an odd meeting, but reassuring. She need no longer fear the earl-at lest not for his hostility to her father. What danger he might be to her heart was another matter entirely.”
Eve Edwards
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“My thoughts are wing'd with hopes, my hopes with love”
Eve Edwards
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“She's everything I want: the key to my lock, the arrow to my bow - oh, and ten thousand other such pathetic poetic tropes, none of which comes close to describing what she means to me.”
Eve Edwards
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“I will only be offended if you refuse to kiss me again, as then I'll be convinced I'm a failure at it.”
Eve Edwards
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“Mi amor verdadero posee mi corazón y yo el suyo.”
Eve Edwards
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“La vida nunca sería justa para los tontos atrapados en el lío complicado de sobrevivirla.”
Eve Edwards
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“Rightous is as rightous doth, not as named”
Eve Edwards
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“But there was something so admirable about her innocence that he would not insult her by tarnishing it.”
Eve Edwards
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“Will watched her go with regret. His attraction to the dark-haired lady with her execrable embroidery had taken him by surprise. She'd been laughing at his brothers - that was what had done it. Her eyes had sparkled with humor, her smiling lips just begging for a kiss.”
Eve Edwards
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