E.W. Bullinger photo

E.W. Bullinger

“When it comes to application of eternal truths we may, of course, apply them, if they are in harmony with what is addressed specially to the church of God, and agreeing with the truth addressed directly to it in the Church Epistles. Then we may apply it, so far, but no further.”
E.W. Bullinger
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“God has spoken, " at sundry times" as well as in. "diverse manners"And if we are to understand what He has spoken we must learn to distinguish, not only the various peoples whom He has spoken, but "the sundry times" at which He has spoken to them, and also the. "diverse manners".”
E.W. Bullinger
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“All scripture was written for us, and for our learning ; but they are not all addressed to us, or written concerning us.”
E.W. Bullinger
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