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Ey Wade

Knowing Ey as a writer and author is like cracking an egg’s shell in the air and wondering how far the splatter will spread. Wait, that’s kind of like knowing her as a person. She's like all over the board and always working on three to five projects at a time. Ey doesn't favorite spot in which to write and claims...

"My most exciting view is pointed at the keyboard. When an idea enters my head, I just flow with it. I haven’t been able to conform my writing to any specific pattern. I am more than often working on one story and the characters from another will just be dying to get my attention and I have to go into their world."

And I have a fan group, where people have joined!!! I'm honored and truly appreciative. https://www.facebook.com/groups/14240...

“I am a writer....a master of words.'Like a knife, words should be handled carefully. They can cut deeply, the wound may never heal, and the scar can remain for an eternity.”
Ey Wade
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