Farid ud-Din Attar
فَریدالدّین ابوحامِد محمّد عطّار نِیشابوری (۵۴۰ - ۶۱۸ قمری) یکی از عارفان و شاعران ایرانی بلندنام ادبیات فارسی در پایان سدهٔ ششم و آغاز سدهٔ هفتم است.
نام او «محمّد»، لقبش «فرید الدّین» و کنیهاش «ابوحامد» بود و در شعرهایش بیشتر عطّار و گاهی نیز فرید تخلص کردهاست.
“The world is a talisman with treasures in its depth.yet,the talisman will be removed,along with the body chains.as the talisman is gone,the life appears.then another talisman awaits your life;in the unseen your life is abody ,a new strife.”
“Come you lost Atoms to your Centre draw,And be the Eternal Mirror that you saw”
“How arrogant you areTo think your wretched Self so singular!The disappointments of this world will dieIn less time than the blinking of an eye,And as the earth must pass, pass by the earth Don't even glance at it, know what it's worth;What empty foolishness it is to careFor what must one day be dispersed to air!”
“Heart’s blood and bitter pain belong to love,And tales of problems no one can remove;Cupbearer, fill the bowl with blood, not wine -And if you lack the heart’s rich blood take mine.Love thrives on inextinguishable pain,Which tears the soul, then knits the threads again.A mote of love exceeds all bounds; it givesThe vital essence to whatever lives.But where love thrives, there pain is always found;Angels alone escape this weary round -They love without that savage agonyWhich is reserved for vexed humanity.”
“I doubt my doubt, doubt itself is unsureI love, but who is it for whom I sigh?Not Muslim, yet not heathen; who am I?”