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“No' seems such a flimsy and inadequate little word to express how very little interest I have in hearing you rambling on about that particular topic.”
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“[Arthur to Merlin]I'm the Prince of Wales, and you're Welsh. I can do whatever I bloody well like to you.”
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“You know you're having a crappy morning when the best that can be said for it is that at least you're not a Smurf.”
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“[Arthur] "Er... Just how much did you have to drink?"Merlin frowned at Arthur... Both of him.”
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“I don't think you're going to pull the wool over anyone's eyes with all this macrame talk.”
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“Merlin, if you don't stop whining, I'm going to take Gwen's sword and beat you to death with it," said Arthur, evenly."It's plastic.""So it will take me a long time. I'm still game.”
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“Good grief," said Merlin. "You look like the bastard child of Dumbledore and David Bowie. No, sorry, Dumbledore and Ziggy Stardust.”
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“I wouldn't want to fuck you if you had a ten inch knob made of gold and your arsehole was the gate to Nirvana. I can't be friends with you because you're a gibbering twatwaffle, not because I would ever, in a million years, want to shag you. Get over yourself!”
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