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Felipe Fernández-Armesto

“Like poor immigrants throughout the ages, Jews there adjusted to the jobs no one else would do.”
Felipe Fernández-Armesto
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“to become a great saint, it is no bad first step to be a big sinner.”
Felipe Fernández-Armesto
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“To understand what was in Ivan’s mind, one has to think back to what the world was like before Machiavelli. The modern calculus of profit and loss probably meant nothing to Ivan. He never thought about realpolitik. His concerns were with tradition and posterity, history and fame, apocalypse and eternity.”
Felipe Fernández-Armesto
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“Only three routes of upward mobility were available to socially ambitious upstarts such as Columbus: war, the Church, and the sea. Columbus probably contemplated all three: he wanted a clerical career for one of his brothers, and fancied himself as “a captain of cavaliers and conquests.” But seafaring was a natural choice, especially for a boy from a maritime community as single-minded as that of Genoa. Opportunities for employment and profit abounded.”
Felipe Fernández-Armesto
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“An age of expansion really did begin, but the phenomenon was of an expanding world, not, as some historians say, of European expansion. The world did not simply wait passively for European outreach to transform it as if touched by a magic wand. Other societies were already working magic of their own, turning states into empires and cultures into civilizations. Some of the most dynamic and rapidly expanding societies of the fifteenth century were in the Americas, southwest and northern Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa.”
Felipe Fernández-Armesto
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“Capitalism seems to have failed and is now stigmatized as greed. A reaction against individual excess is driving the world back to collective values. Fear of terror overrides rights; fear of slumps subverts free markets. Consumption levels and urbanization are simply unsustainable at recent rates in the face of environmental change. The throwaway society is headed for the trash heap. People who sense that “modernity” is ending proclaim a “postmodern age.”
Felipe Fernández-Armesto
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“Their ships were steeds, and they rode the waves like jennets.”
Felipe Fernández-Armesto
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“There has never been nationhood without falsehood.”
Felipe Fernández-Armesto
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