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Ferrol Sams

“...went into convulsions of pleasure at the sight of him.”
Ferrol Sams
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“I haven't learned yet to be the instrument of unconscious good.”
Ferrol Sams
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“It didn't amount to a fart in a windstorm, nohow.”
Ferrol Sams
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“He's a good boy, he takes instruction well; I just can't think of enough things to tell him not to do.”
Ferrol Sams
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“Even older and just as rich, the ritual of Kappa Alpha Order thrilled his soul and permeated his mind. By the end of the ceremony he was so awed, so filled with idealism, so saturated with nebulous aspirations, that he gazed with love on all his brothers…He floated down the stairs of the old Administration Building that night new born and shining, warm and secure in the midst of a group that no outside force could penetrate nor unsuspected evil ever tarnish. Porter was a Knight of Kappa Alpha Order (193)”
Ferrol Sams
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“Of a sudden he felt that fraternity life was the only way to exist at college. How could he have doubted? (126)”
Ferrol Sams
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