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Fierce Dolan

blatant voyeur+ slipstream scribe=erotic mezzofiction writer

Mezzofiction writer, Fierce is imagination shapeshifted as a scribe taunting blank pages and carpal tunnel, neither of which are much use for deadlines. Close allies are impeccable timing and a trusty masseuse. Being a switch I/ENFP doesn't hurt. For kicks Fierce has other personas across several genres, tends to fill in “Other” on surveys without explaining, and chooses the finality of the Japanese Tamagotchi.

“When reading I pretend I’m an editor, though when writing I realize I’m not.”
Fierce Dolan
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“I fantasize about making reality better.”
Fierce Dolan
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“Writing is the best anti-depressant.”
Fierce Dolan
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“Screw technicolor, red, and foreign languages. I dream in status updates.”
Fierce Dolan
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“Amazing, life-altering anonymous picture quotes on FaceBook: Are they created by graphic designers who steal quotes or don't bother to research the author, or are they original and just have exceptionally less ego than I do? Cos if I ever write something that brilliant it's gonna have flashing headlights.”
Fierce Dolan
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“What method acting is for the stage, mezzofiction is for the page.”
Fierce Dolan
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“Nothing was like knowing you were the appetizer for a feast of orgy, that you were what whetted the guests and enticed them to devour.”
Fierce Dolan
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“Who would have believed that a Wushu Master of the tenth degree black sash could need such a release?”
Fierce Dolan
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“People who avoid shadow scare me.”
Fierce Dolan
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“In porn, men give blow jobs like they love men. Women give blow jobs like they love the camera.”
Fierce Dolan
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“An editor asked me what led me to write erotica. I replied, "A dirty mind, excess words, and an overactive sacral chakra.”
Fierce Dolan
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“I write across several genres. I’m a slut for words. I can’t keep it in my literary pants.”
Fierce Dolan
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