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Finn Marlowe

Finn Marlowe is a paralegal by day and erotic (M/M) romance novelist by night. She believes daydreaming is a vastly underrated pastime and probably spends way too much time at it. Her kids no longer ask what’s wrong when they spy her staring off into space—they just assume she’s writing a scene from her next novel and they’re probably right. Paranormal romance is her favorite genre to write, and the story’s usually on the dark side because she still believes in things that go bump in the night.

Finn calls British Columbia home and when she’s not enjoying the beautiful outdoors, she’s inside reading or resenting the fact her kids are better video game players than she is. If there were more hours in the day, she’d like to become a better artist, a greener gardener and learn to speak Spanish. Since she believes all dreams are possible if you don’t give up on them, she expects to regain her video game hi-scores, naturally vanquish all garden pests and finally paint what lives inside her imagination. As for speaking Spanish, well, she’ll settle for learning to pronounce all the good curse words.

“Inhaling deeply, Evan pressed his face to the soft tangle of Jamie's hair. "You had me at that first 'fuck you'.”
Finn Marlowe
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“You're mine to take, pretty one. I'll fuck you when I want and how I want!" Another surge of the heat wave, muscles clenching and squeezing. "Let me in," he commanded. "Don't fight me. I will have you dammit! You're mine!""Give me all of you," Killian demanded of Colton. "You're mine! It's mine.”
Finn Marlowe
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“And so you're gonna beat yourself up forever for not being perfect all the time. Not everything's your responsibility. You don't have to be the best at everything. And don't you dare feel bad for being the best thing that's ever happened to me."The best thing? Really? "I've never been anyone's best anything," he whispered.”
Finn Marlowe
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“Rolling onto his side, Jamie reached out and touched Evan's chest, two fingertips only tracing the curve of his pectoral and threading through the dark, curly hair. Something about that hairiness fascinated him, masculine yet soft. An unaccountable shyness wrapped around him, a weight upon his shoulders. His fingers trembled a little. "You'll, um, tell me if I do it wrong?"Evan laughed softly, "Angel, there is no wrong. Go ahead and explore. If I don't like something, I'll tell you, 'kay?”
Finn Marlowe
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“Is he following? Can you have a flaming gay moment or something and check?""Why do I have to be the flaming gay one?”
Finn Marlowe
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“Impressive," Court offered, gallantly bending to retrieve the shoe. "You should join the theater.""Fuck you.""I owed you that.""Revenge is a dish best served with a side of handcuffs and a hard ass-fucking. Remember that."Really is a dirty fighter. Goddamn.”
Finn Marlowe
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“When the power of the shift rips the human body apart and transforms it into its new shape, there lives a second, less than a second, a mere shimmer of time when the mind is without a home, no body to call its own. Existence is painless in there, nothing but formlessness beyond understanding. A secret place, it contains nothing but the essence of self, a lost self. In the fire of pain, Colton found a whisper of that place, its ghost, its echo, and from that echo he withdrew a thread of deepest black.”
Finn Marlowe
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“Totally drained he could only manage one but he made it a good one tongue included. “Delicious ” he murmured. “So depraved ” Colton muttered. “Thank you.” “Get off me.” “Mine ” “Stings.” “Boohoo.”
Finn Marlowe
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“Werewolf Property Laws1. If I want it, it’s mine.2. If I like it, it’s mine.3. If I don’t like it, I’m still not giving it to you.4. If it’s mine, it cannot appear to be yours in any way.5. If it’s yours, it will soon be mine.6. If it once was mine, it’ll be mine forever and I’ll be getting it back.7. If it looks good on me, beside me, or under me, it’s mine.8. If it’s shiny, I’ll probably make it mine.9. If I trick you out of it, it’s so fucking mine.10. If you bargain with me, you’ll soon be mine.11. If you have a soul, my dark heart wants to make it mine.”
Finn Marlowe
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“..I resent the jerk part. I’m meaner than that....”
Finn Marlowe
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“Damn straight I’m better looking. And why were you noticing?”Colton tweaked him in the side. “More jealousy?”“You’l notice I’m rather possessive.”“You? No! ” He tickled him again. “Then again…I do hear the word ‘ mine’ out of your mouth quite often.”
Finn Marlowe
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