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Fiona Paul

Fiona Paul is a pseudonym for author Paula Stokes



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“Both the teardrop and the tempest are made of water, making it the most yielding and most destructive force on Earth.”
Fiona Paul
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““The healer and the killerboth rely on the blade:the physician his scalpel,the assassin his dagger.”-THE BOOK OF THE ETERNAL ROSE”
Fiona Paul
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““The water that flows throughthe canals is both beautifuland deadly. Its tranquil surfacebelies the toxins beneath--unpleasant to touch, deadly to imbibe.”-THE BOOK OF THE ETERNAL ROSE”
Fiona Paul
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““Madness weakens the mind anddisease weakens the body,but nothing destroys the spiritlike the loss of true love.”-THE BOOK OF THE ETERNAL ROSE”
Fiona Paul
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“Civilized beings regard the act of intercourse as the highest expression of romantic love. One need only observe the behavior of animals, however, to realize that the act is often a form of violence.”
Fiona Paul
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“Certain living things prefer the dark, thriving in the shadows of tombstones and crypts, flowering admist the dead. Others tend toward the sun, blooming in the light, embracing the warmth.”
Fiona Paul
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“Religion would have us believe that immortality is reserved for the gods. We remain skeptical.”
Fiona Paul
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“You should be more careful, you know.""Careful?" she managed to croak. "You're the one who knocked me over.""I couldn't resist," he said, and he actually had the nerve to wink at her. "It's not often I get the chance to put my hands on such a beautiful woman.”
Fiona Paul
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“Falco's eyes widened in fake shock. "Well, then perhaps I should ask for a tour of the house." He grinned, clearly relishing Cass's embarrassment. "Can we start with your bedroom?”
Fiona Paul
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“If I had your body, I'd stare at it for hours. Days, maybe.”
Fiona Paul
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“Come on," Falco said. "I'll see you safely home to your fancy sheets. I'd say you need your beauty sleep, but it looks like you've been getting plenty.”
Fiona Paul
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“How terrible it must be to be a member of the noble class. So many rules. Such restraint. You must feel like a caged bird, battering its wings against the sides of its golden prison.”
Fiona Paul
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“I know you want this as much as I do," he said. "You aren't going to report me. And even if you did, I'm inclined to think a night with you might well be worth imprisonment.”
Fiona Paul
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“How can God be so cruel to grow love in such hopeless places?”
Fiona Paul
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“Signore, pietà.” Madalena recited the words along with the rest of the congregation. Cass sighed. Everyone else was apologizing to God for their sins, and here she was dreaming up some new ones.”
Fiona Paul
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“The truth never hurts more than finding out someone you love has lied to you.”
Fiona Paul
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