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Fishel Jacobs

(Publisher's brief bio.)

Yes, indeed, Rabbi Fishel Jacobs certainly fits the idyllic persona of a Jewish Rabbi. Yet there is so much more to this explosive public figure.

His acclaim as a prolific author and public speaker only graze his unique accomplishments—which also include karate champion (yes, capable of breaking 15” of solid brick with his fist,) Talmudic scholar, prison chaplain, lieutenant in an Israel Army combat engineering unit on active duty during the Gulf War, and Tel Aviv University campus chaplain for nearly 20 years.

You can imagine that this man is truly… blessed.

He grew up as scrawny kid, Flip (Philip) Jacobs in South Royalton, Vermont, who learned the art of karate for self-defense before becoming a master, then finding Judaism at the University of Vermont, enrolling in yeshivah in Israel and getting ordination, smichah, from the Chief Rabbinate.

He then became a spiritual mentor for the Ramle, Israel Prison Complex, offering an understanding and compassionate—albeit firm—hand to some of society’s worst repeat offenders and serial criminals.

He is now the author of nine acclaimed best-selling non-fiction books, while Hollywood is also courting the karate champ-turned-prison rabbi cum public speaker and acclaimed author. An international collaboration of leading film companies are now producing a screenplay of his life.

“Life without humor is not funny.”
Fishel Jacobs
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