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Fisher Amelie

Fisher Amelie resides in the South with her kick ace husband slash soul mate. She earned her first 'mama' patch in 2009. She also lives with her Weim, 'Jonah', and her Beta, 'Whale'. All these living creatures keep the belly of her life full, sometimes to the point of gluttony, but she doesn't mind all that much because life isn't worth living if it isn't entertaining, right?

Fisher grew up writing. She secretly hid notebooks and notebooks of dribble in a large Tupperware storage container in her closet as a kid. She didn't put two and two together until after college where it suddenly dawned on her, "Hey, I like writing". She's a bit dense. "No, I'm not." "Yes, you are. Put down that Oreo, your butt can't take any more." "You're rude." "Yeah, yeah." Anyway, she likes to write and has finally beaten her self-esteem into submission enough to allow herself to be scrutinized under the 'other readers' microscope. "No! No! Not a cover slip! Last time it gave me a ra...." (mumbling)

Rescue Fisher from her metaphorical specimen slide at

“Prepare yourself, Price, ‘cause I’m about to rock your world.”
Fisher Amelie
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“No need to flatter me, Miss Price. I believe your bait worked. I’m hooked. Line and sinker.”
Fisher Amelie
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“My god, he’s the one who gets the girls? What? Is he made of chocolate or something?”
Fisher Amelie
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“I’d been kissed before, many times, but never like that.”
Fisher Amelie
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“P.S. I'm going to throw an absolutely mind-blowing fact your way. I'm not kidding, either. The country of Uganda is obsessed with Celine Dion. They dedicate entire days to broadcasting her music. They love her that much. Five words. My. Heart. Will. Go. On. Yeah.”
Fisher Amelie
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“Vanity's a debilitating affliction. You’re so absorbed in yourself it’s impossible to love anyone other than oneself, leaving you weak without realization of it. It’s quite sad. You’ve no idea what you’re missing either. You will never know real love and your life will pas you by.”
Fisher Amelie
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“Sophie Price, you are devastatingly beautiful.”
Fisher Amelie
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“I-I'm just - I knew you were beautiful, knew it so very well, but it's like I just woke up to the idea. There's something about you now, Soph. You exude something and I can't quite place my finger on it. You practically glow with it. You devastate me," he said, clutching at his heart.”
Fisher Amelie
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“I'd discovered that the sun equated happiness. Its bright and lovely existence was hope incarnate. It exposed the dark, brought forth the light and showed you that no matter how strong or oppressive the night was, that it was infinitely stronger, exponentially more substantial and just because you couldn't see it with your eyes, didn't mean it wasn't still with you, that you couldn't feel it or that it wouldn't come back for you. It was stalwart and constant. It was infinite.”
Fisher Amelie
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“You are so gosh damn beautiful in here," he said, tapping my chest, "that what's here," he spoke, running the side of his hand down my face, "is magnified tenfold and that is a sight to be hold.”
Fisher Amelie
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“You've arrested my senses and I can't seem to get enough of you. That's what scares me. I'm so deep there's no getting out for me. You own me, you know?”
Fisher Amelie
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“Their innocence is addicting, their hope is catching and I'm happy to be surrounded by them.”
Fisher Amelie
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“Your heart is startingly beautiful, Sophie." - Ian”
Fisher Amelie
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“I wasn't crying for myself. I was crying for the innocents.”
Fisher Amelie
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“The shortest distance between two points is the line from me to you.”
Fisher Amelie
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“No one can know sincere happiness, Sophie, without first having known sorrow. One can never appreciate the enormity and rareness of such a fiery bliss without seeing misery, however unfair that may be.”
Fisher Amelie
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“Tell him he was my greatest adventure. Tell him I love him.”
Fisher Amelie
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“You may have misery," she continued, ignoring my plea, "you may lose hope in the sorrow of an unplanned life but as long as you have faith and trust in adoration, in affection, in love, that sorrow will turn to happiness. And that is a constant, dear.”
Fisher Amelie
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“You have no idea what you do to me. I've felt things for you these past few months that don't seem healthy. I've wanted you so desperately I'm afraid it may not be natural. You consume my thoughts, Sophie... You've arrested my senses and I can't seem to get enough of you. That's what scares me. I'm so deep there's no getting out for me. You own me, you know?”
Fisher Amelie
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“The truth is, I'm so deep in love with you, I can't see straight. The truth is, I've been afraid to admit it to myself, let alone you. The truth is, I'm terrified.”
Fisher Amelie
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“I smiled at him and we stood quietly, our hands on one another as if we were both awakening to whatever it was that was surrounding us both then. It was written all over us. There was something practically tangible there, like a ray of sun, warming us through to our souls. You could see it, you could feel it, but you couldn't quite capture it in your hands. That didn't mean it wasn't there though. Oh, it was there and it weighed a thousand precious pounds.”
Fisher Amelie
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“And what is there to be joyful about?" I asked honestly, thinking on the images of dead children curled into themselves at the village. Another burst of silent tears streamed down."Life, Sophie. They still live. They breathe, they love each other, they find joy in the world around them for no other reason than because they are children. They are resilient. They will always rise above. Always. It is a curious facet of the innocent young.”
Fisher Amelie
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“Everyone’s perception is different; we all see different things. I personally think you see what you want to see.”
Fisher Amelie
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“This was it. The beginning of the blasted end.”
Fisher Amelie
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“I’m glad I married you too, Harper,” I whispered into her hair, “because I’m in love with you.” But she didn’t hear, gone into a dream.”
Fisher Amelie
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“I feel desperate when it comes to you. Desperate and a little bit insane. All I can think about around you is what you taste like.”
Fisher Amelie
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“I felt the warmth of his gaze from the tips of my hair to the tips of my toes.”
Fisher Amelie
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“I made it my job to know good music, Tom. It’s why I’m here...with you.”
Fisher Amelie
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“Please, enlighten me, Tom. What exactly did you observe?” “That men fly to you like a bug to a zapper.” “Lovely. That’s a lovely analogy. Yes, I’m a man-eater, Tom.”
Fisher Amelie
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“We may not have known each other our whole lives but we've definitely lived them in parallel”
Fisher Amelie
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“What kind of trouble could you possible make, Harper Bailey? He asked with a raised brow.The kind that changes your opinion of someone, therefore you'll never find out.”
Fisher Amelie
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“I can say without absolute certainty that you are the only person in this world that deserves the moon, the ocean, and the stars. You are the only exception. You deserve them and if it takes me our entire lives to give them to you I won't settle until they are yours.”
Fisher Amelie
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“You know, I've never understood the phrase, 'I'm a lover, not a fighter.' If you're passionate in love why would you not equally be as passionate enough to fight for it?”
Fisher Amelie
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“I'm going to marry that girl one day.”
Fisher Amelie
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“Jules and I smiled a lot. So much, that I found my cheeks actually hurt when I finally rested my head at the end of the day. I would rub the muscles in them, readying them for their inevitable workout the next day.”
Fisher Amelie
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“It's not possible to try too hard Elliott. Truth is, every girl deserves someone who tries hard.”
Fisher Amelie
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“You make me feel like I'm flying Jules.""You make me feel like I'm fally Gray.”
Fisher Amelie
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“When i was nervous, I resorted to inadvertent insults.”
Fisher Amelie
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“What made Jules extraordinary though, was that her heart was made of the most curious fabric. It could bend and stretch to fit every single person she met.”
Fisher Amelie
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“Let's start this place on nonexistent fire," I teased."Promise." She sucked in an excited breath.We closed our eyes and I placed my feverish mouth to hers. Immediately, violent, zealous flashes of shimmering flames climbed to the furthest point, trailed like rain down the pitched ceiling and spilled down the walls, gathering at their feet pools of fervent, bubbling, silvery liquid electricity before evaporating into nothing.”
Fisher Amelie
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“My happiness was tied to him in strands of transparent steel cables, nothing could break those ties except for Callum himself and I trusted him so implicitly.”
Fisher Amelie
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“I wanted to make love to her, intertwine my fingers and my body with hers, drink her in and inhale every inch of her, memorize her skin.”
Fisher Amelie
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“It was the fact that she was in every piece, in every corner, on every shelf. She was everywhere, reminding me how much in love with her I was.”
Fisher Amelie
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“If I was being candid with her, she’d only find out that I felt something for her that could only be the equivalent of a gravitational pull towards the center of the earth. She was a magnet for me and I was powerless to resist. It was more than a mere attraction.”
Fisher Amelie
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“. "My name is Callum Tate and I’m going to take care of you, Harper Bailey." ”
Fisher Amelie
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“He had brown hair, piercing green eyes and jaw line that screamed 'I might just let you kiss me here'.”
Fisher Amelie
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“She threaded her fingers through my hair and I nearly whimpered at the feel of them, my eyes rolling to the back of my closed eyes. I clutched her waist tightly, inhaling her breaths as I practically swallowed her beautiful tongue.”
Fisher Amelie
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“One day, you and I are gonna wake up and be alright. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but one day. One day. I promise you.”
Fisher Amelie
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“He bent his head to mine and kissed the sense out of me. If you’d asked me my name, I’d have told you wrong. He had that kind of ability and he was mine, maybe it was because he was mine and because I loved him the way I did that his spell could cast itself over me with such ferocity.”
Fisher Amelie
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“I wanted to know what it was like to lie next to a warm body, to feel close to someone sincere because sincerity is one of those rare human qualities that feels a bit like discovering a lost treasure. It is a rare commodity but once found, is absolutely priceless.”
Fisher Amelie
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