Fr. Jose Francisco Syquia photo

Fr. Jose Francisco Syquia

After graduating from college in 1987 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy at the University of Santo Tomas (UST), FR. JOSE FRANCISCO “JOCIS” SYQUIA entered the seminary in 1989 and completed his training from both San Carlos Major Seminary in Makati City and the University of Santo Tomas Central Seminary. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sacred Theology from the UST Ecclesiastical Faculties and a Licentiate in Spiritual Theology from the Angelicum in Rome. He finished both courses with magna cum laude honors. He also has a Master’s degree in Psychology from the UST Graduate School.

Fr. Jocis is the Head of the Commission on Extraordinary Phenomena for the Archdiocese of Manila. He is the Director of the Archdiocese of Manila Office of Exorcism, an exorcist of Manila and a member of the International Association of Exorcists based in Rome. He completed the Vatican Course on Exorcism and Deliverance at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University.

He is the author of the bestselling book Exorcism—Encounters with the Paranormal and the Occult (Shepherd’s Voice Publications), as well as Exorcist: Volume 1—A Spiritual Journey and Exorcist: Volume 2—Spiritual Battle Lines published by ST PAULS. He is also a full-time formator, spiritual director, and professor of spirituality and psychology at the San Carlos Major Seminary.

“This is the grand strategy of satan in today's modern world - to make man believe that he does not exist. Christians therefore never put up a fight or any form of defense against him. Many even end up blaming God for their miseries unaware of the hidden enemy striking them in the many areas of their lives.”
Fr. Jose Francisco Syquia
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