“I want to live so that I am truly submitted to the Spirit's leading on a daily basis. Christ said its better for us that the Spirit came and I want to live like that is true. I don't want to keep crawling when I have the ability to fly.”
“Not being able to fully understand God is frustrating but it is ridiculous for us to think we have the right to limit God to something we are capable of comprehending. What a stunted, insignificant god that would be! If my mind is the size of a soda can and God is the size of all the oceans, it would be stupid for me to say He is only the small amount of water I can scoop into my little can. God is so much bigger, so far beyond our time-encased, air/food/sleep-dependent lives.”
“We have a God who is a Creator, not a duplicator.”
“It ought to be the business of every day to prepare for our final day (attributed to Matthew Henry)”
“God is love, but He also defines what love is. We don't have the license to define love according to our standards.”
“Chan is drawn to his coauthor because he says they have, "different gifts but similar convictions".”
“The point of your life is to point to Him. Whatever you are doing, God wants to be glorified, because this whole thing is His.”
“It is not scientific doubt, not atheism, not pantheism, not agnosticism, that in our day and in this land is likely to quench the light of the gospel. It is a proud, sensuous, selfish, luxurious, church-going, hollow-hearted prosperity.”
“Jesus didn't speak of hell so that we could study, debate and write books about it. He gave us these passages so that we would live holy lives. Jesus evidently hates it when we tear into our brothers or sisters with demeaning words, words that fail to honor the people around us as the beautiful image-bearing creatures that they are.”
“God exists outside of time, and since we are within time, there is no way we will ever totally grasp that concept.”
“God interrupt whatever we are doing so that we can join You in what You're doing”
“And your own heart generates enough pressure as it pumps blood throughout your body that it could squirt blood up to 30 feet. (I’ve never tried this, and I don’t recommend it.)”
“[at CMC West Coast 2011, on 1 Samuel 14] If just a few of you would step up and be like Jonathan ... as you step out in faith, you know what's going to happen? There'll be people like Saul who'll say, "God's doing something through that guy, God's doing something through that girl. I want to be a part of that.”
“Our greatest fear as individuals & as a church should not be of failure, but of suceeding at things in life that dont really matter.”
“Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers.”
“True faith means holding nothing back. It means putting every hope in God's fidelity to His Promises.”
“We never grow closer to God when we just live life. It takes deliberate pursuit and attentiveness.”
“Let us be eager to leave what is familiar for what is true.”
“Hell is the backdrop that reveals the profound and unbelievable grace of the cross. It brings to light the enormity of our sin and therefore portrays the undeserved favor of God in full color.”
“But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.”
“Lukewarm living and claiming Christ's name simultaneously is utterly disgusting to God.”
“The world needs Christians who don't tolerate the complacency of their own lives.”
“...we are quick to rationalize our entertainment and priorities yet are slow to commit to serving God.”
“Allow God to be as creative with you as He is with each of us.”
“Joy is something that we have to choose and then work for.”
“I don't want Him to return and find me sitting in a theater.”
“When it's hard and you are doubtful, give more.”
“The concept of downsizing so that others might upgrade is biblical, beautiful...and nearly unheard of. We either close the gap or don't take the words of the Bible literally.”
“Christians today like to play it safe. We want to put ourselves in situations where we are safe 'even if there is no God.' But if we truly desire to please God, we cannot live that way.”
“...when we are loving, we can't sin.”
“He measures our lives by how we love.”
“Our greatest fear as individuals and as a church should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.”
“...no worship is better than apathetic worship.”
“...our concern is more about going to heaven than loving the King.”
“He wants all or nothing. The thought of a person calling himself a 'Christian' without being a devoted follower of Christ is absurd.”
“Lukewarm people think about life on earth much more often than eternity in heaven.”
“Lukewarm people love others but do not seek to love others as much as they love themselves.”
“Lukewarm people don't really want to be saved from their sin; they want only to be saved from the penalty of their sin.”
“Are we in love with God or just His stuff?”
“...if God is truly the greatest good on this earth, would He be loving us if He didn't draw us toward what is best for us (even if that happens to be Himself)?”
“...I don't have to worry about not meeting His expectations. God will ensure my success in accordance with His plan, not mine.”
“...when we love God, we naturally run to Him-frequently and zealously. Jesus didn't command that we have a regular time with Him each day. Rather, He tells us to 'love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' He called this the 'first and greatest commandment' (Matt. 22:37-38). The results are intimate prayer and study of His Word. Our motivation changes from guilt to love.”
“Nothing compares to being truly, exuberantly wanted by your children.”
“We have to believe it enough that it changes how we live.”
“If life were stable, I'd never need God's help.”
“God has given you this good stuff so that you can show the world a person who enjoys blessings, but who is still totally obsessed with God.”
“From start to finish, this movie is obviously about God. He is the main character. How is is possible that we live as though it is about us?”
“Both worry and stress reek of arrogance.”
“When I am consumed by my problems-stressed out about my life, my family, and my job-I actually convey the belief that I think the circumstances are more important than God's command to always rejoice.”
“You and I are not allowed to tell Him how much He can hate it (sin).”