Francis D. Homer photo

Francis D. Homer

When Francis (Frank) isn't running around southwestern New York in a funny white-and-red vehicle with flashing red lights, he enjoys time with his wife at Ren Fairs. Sterling is his home fair, but he enjoys others within a couple of hours' drive from his home. His wife, Lillian, and he enjoy other historical venues such as the Civil War and historical places like Mumford. They can be found wandering the trails in state parks or cooking out at local parks. While he enjoys life as a medic, he has had a desire all his life to entertain people with the written word. He became a writer due to Star Trek and Lord of the Rings. They gave him the dream. Years later, he put this talent to use as a DM in D&D. After years of enthralling all ages with unimaginable tales, he is reaching out to a wider audience.

“Believe in yourself and reach for your dream”
Francis D. Homer
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