Francis L. Guenette photo

Francis L. Guenette

Hi – my name is Fran Guenette and I’m a writer! You can check out my author's facebook page here -

I live in a small, off-the-grid cabin in a remote location, right beside a lake. My husband, Bruce and our elderly dog, Lawson keep me company.

Can you imagine a better setting for a writer? I can’t.

We have an alternate power system for our home –a combination of micro-hydro and solar electric panels. I write with a panoramic view of the lake every, single day.

Between May and September, Billy Bob the Bear drops over to graze on the green cover (we don’t have the nerve to call it grass) and eat huckleberries and salal berries. Now and then I spot the tracks of a cougar who has made his way across the property. Life is good here in the hinterlands.

I have a daughter and son – both happily married and pursuing interesting careers. I also have two beautiful and wildly funny granddaughters who constantly provide me with inspiration for writing.

For most of my life I have been an educator of one type or another. I have an MA in counselling psychology and an almost completed PhD in educational psychology. Enough said about that!

If you check out my blog you'll find out everything you ever might have wanted to know about me - from stories of my journey to self-publish my first novel to what kind of music gets me weepy.

“Book-club night stopped abruptly when Caleb died. For almost a year and a half, as if by some type of tacit agreement, they all knew they couldn’t be in the same room at the same time. It was as if their collective grief would multiply, rebounding endlessly within any closed space like an image in a house of mirrors, until the pain would overcome them all.”
Francis L. Guenette
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