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Frank Miller

Frank Miller is an American writer, artist and film director best known for his film noir-style comic book stories. He is one of the most widely-recognized and popular creators in comics, and is one of the most influential comics creators of his generation. His most notable works include Sin City, The Dark Knight Returns, Batman Year One and 300.

“We live in the shadow of crime with the unspoken understanding that we are victims.. of fear, of violence, of social impotence. A man has risen to show us that the power is, ans always has been, in our hands. We are under siege. He's showing us that we can resist.”
Frank Miller
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“We must not remind them that giants walk the Earth.”
Frank Miller
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“I requested off this damn night shift four times now. Barbara needs me. Barbara and little James. So I hope it's boy, so what?”
Frank Miller
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“Gotham City. Clean shafts of concrete and snowy rooftops. The work of men who died generations ago. From here, it looks like an achievement. From here, you can't see the enemy.”
Frank Miller
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“You don't get it boy... this isn't a mudhole... its an operating table. (KRAKKKKK) And I'm the surgeon.”
Frank Miller
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“You can never escape me. Bullets don't harm me. Nothing harms me. But I know pain. I KNOW pain. Sometimes I share it. With someone like you.”
Frank Miller
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“Buddy, I don't mean to poke my nose in where it don't belong, but that there is a dame to kill for. Why'd you let her go?”
Frank Miller
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“I'll make it. I won't die. I've got too much I have to do to let myself die.”
Frank Miller
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“Nancy's got a guardian angel. Seven feet plus of muscle and mayhem that goes by the name of Marv.”
Frank Miller
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“Most people think Marv is crazy, but I don't believe that. I'm no shrink and I'm not saying I've got Marv all figured out or anything, but "crazy" just doesn't explain him. Not to me. Sometimes I think he's retarded, a big, brutal kid who never learned the ground rules about how people are supposed to act around each other. But that doesn't have the right ring to it either. No, it's more like there's nothing wrong with Marv, nothing at all--except that he had the rotten luck of being born at the wrong time in history. He'd have been okay if he'd been born a couple of thousand years ago. He'd be right at home on some ancient battlefield, swinging an ax into somebody's face. Or in a roman arena, taking a sword to other gladiators like him. They'd have tossed him girls like Nancy, back then.”
Frank Miller
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“Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for.Amen.”
Frank Miller
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“The rain on my chest is a baptism - I'm born again.”
Frank Miller
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“You've got rights. Lots of rights. Sometimes I count them just to make myself feel crazy.”
Frank Miller
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“Ladies. Gentlemen. You have eaten well. You've eaten Gotham's wealth. Its spirit. Your feast is nearly over. From this moment on...none of you are safe.”
Frank Miller
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“Alfred: Hmf. I suppose you'll take up flying next, like that fellow in Metropolis.”
Frank Miller
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“The American conscience died with the Kennedys.”
Frank Miller
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“I take his weapons away from him. Both of them.”
Frank Miller
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“Hell’s waking up every goddamn day and not even knowing why you’re here.”
Frank Miller
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“The world doesn't make sense until you force it to.”
Frank Miller
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“When you got a condition, it's bad to forget your medicine.”
Frank Miller
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“I always knew it would come down to you and the big blue school boy. Planet's too big for the BOTH of you. When it all comes down, I want a piece of him. A small piece, will do? For OLD TIMES, sake, you still hurts when its cold.”
Frank Miller
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“A gun is a liar's weapon”
Frank Miller
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“The noir hero is a knight in blood caked armor. He's dirty and he does his best to deny the fact that he's a hero the whole time.”
Frank Miller
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“This should be agony. I should be a mass of aching muscle - broken, spent, unable to move. And, were I an older man, I surely would ... ... but I'm a man of thirty - of twenty again. The rain on my chest is a baptism - I'm born again ... ”
Frank Miller
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“Of course we're Criminals”
Frank Miller
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“I'm the goddamn Batman.”
Frank Miller
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“I check the list. Rubber tubing, gas, saw, gloves, cuffs, razor wire, hatchet, Gladys, and my mitts.”
Frank Miller
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“Deadly little Miho. She won't let you feel a thing unless she wants you to. She twists the blade. He feels it. ”
Frank Miller
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“Spartans... tonight we dine in Hell!”
Frank Miller
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“I’ll stare the bastard in the face as he screams to God, and I’ll laugh harder when he whimpers like a baby. And when his eyes go dead, the hell I send him to will seem like heaven after what I’ve done to him.”
Frank Miller
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“Hello, I'm Shellie's new boyfriend and I'm out of my mind. If you so much as talk to her or even think her name, I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman. ”
Frank Miller
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“She doesn't quite chop his head off.She makes a Pez dispenser out of him.”
Frank Miller
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“DWIGHT:Stay smart. Stay cool. It's time to prove to you're friends that you're worth a damn. Sometimes that means dying. Sometimes it means killing a whole lot of people.”
Frank Miller
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