Fray Luis de León photo

Fray Luis de León

A mother bore Luis Ponce de León in 1527.

Luis de León joined Ordo eremitarum sancti Augustini (eremitic order of Saint Augustine) as an Augustinian friar (fray in Spanish). This Spanish lyric poet, theologian, and academic acted during the golden age.

Luis de León together with Francisco de Aldana, Alonso de Ercilla, Fernando de Herrera and Saint John of the Cross ranked as the most important poets of the second phase of the Renaissance in Spain. The desire of the soul to get away from everything earthly to achieve promises, identified with peace and knowledge, of God inspired his work, part of the ascetic literature of the second half of the 16th century. Moral and ascetic themes dominate all his work.

In addition, Gregory XIII oversaw consultation of Luis de León and the other experts to change the Julian calendar, used from the time of Julius Caesar in the west, to the current Gregorian calendar.

“Y mientras miserablementese están los otros abrasandoen sed insaciabledel no durable mando,tendido yo a la sombra esté cantando.”
Fray Luis de León
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“Ninguna cosa es más propia a Dios que el amor, ni al amor hay cosa más natural que volver al que ama en las condiciones e ingenio del que es amado.”
Fray Luis de León
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