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Fred Allen

Dry, satirical, famous American humorist Fred Allen, originally John Florence Sullivan, worked in vaudeville, radio, and early television.

“Radio is called a medium because it is rare that anything is well done.”
Fred Allen
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“All I know about humour is that I don't know anything about it.”
Fred Allen
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“Televisio is a vehicle that permits people who haven't anything to do to watch people who can't do anything.”
Fred Allen
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“a group of people who individually can do nothing but as a group decide that nothing can be done”
Fred Allen
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“You only live once. But if you work it right, once is enough.”
Fred Allen
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“It is bad to suppress laughter. It goes back down and spreads to your hips.”
Fred Allen
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“I'm going to Boston to see my doctor. He's a very sick man.”
Fred Allen
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“I can't understand why a person will take a year or two to write a novel when he can easily buy one for a few dollars.”
Fred Allen
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“Life, in my estimation, is a biological misadventure that we terminate on the shoulders of six strange men whose only objective is to make a hole in one with you. ”
Fred Allen
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“Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted. ”
Fred Allen
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“California is a fine place to live, if you happen to be an orange.”
Fred Allen
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“The last time I saw him he was walking down Lover's Lane holding his own hand. ”
Fred Allen
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“A human being is nothing but a story with skin around it.”
Fred Allen
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“You can take all the sincerity in Hollywood, place it in the navel of a fruit fly and still have room enough for three caraway seeds and a producer’s heart.”
Fred Allen
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“A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to be well-known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized.”
Fred Allen
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“I like long walks, especially when they're taken by people who annoy me.”
Fred Allen
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“A gentleman is any man who wouldn't hit a woman with his hat on.”
Fred Allen
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“A conference is a gathering of important people who singly can do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done.”
Fred Allen
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