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Fred Venturini

Fred Venturini has eleven scars from eleven separate incidents, the most interesting of which is the time he was set on fire. For the others, just ask. His short fiction has been featured in the Booked. Anthology, Noir at the Bar 2, and Chuck Palahniuk's BURNT TONGUES anthology. He is the acclaimed author of THE HEART DOES NOT GROW BACK and the forthcoming THE ESCAPE OF LIGHT (Turner, 2019). On the basketball court, he is a three-point specialist and defensive liability. He lives in Southern Illinois with his wife and daughter.

“Simple really," I said. "The heart does not grow back.”
Fred Venturini
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“To age is to embrace a slow hurt inside and out, to collect scars like rings on a tree, dark and withered and sometimes only visible if someone cuts deep enough. Scars keep the past close enough to touch, but healing is forgetting. Healing invites another cut. Healing is the tide that smoothes away our line in the sand. For life to begin, the damage must be permanent.”
Fred Venturini
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