Frederick Anderson photo

Frederick Anderson

Lives in weardale, England, with wife Sylvia and dog Honey. A determined dreamer whose stories are gathered from a lifetime of dreams. Frederick studied drama, had a short span as an actor which was just long enough to discover he couldn't act.

Since then? Two careers, and a variety of work - he's driven cranes, people and cattle, and cooked a lot of things too. And all the while he was writing: writing, writing, writing....

“Upon the shores of death I have been told there is a place between the tides where time and pain do not exist”
Frederick Anderson
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“To kiss then was the most natural thing in the world. To explore, to taste, to find out. Katie did find out. When they parted from each other, the world was that much more of a beautiful thing.”
Frederick Anderson
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“In the lonely dark she goes again and again to that locked cupboard knowing that she holds the key, and frightened of the self she might find inside.”
Frederick Anderson
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