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Fritz Franke

Fritz Franke is a story teller who recently began putting his stories to paper.

He is currently writing ‘The Savior Project’ series.

Currently a member of the Heroes Writers Club, Fritz continues to write and has had some recent stories and articles published in local newspapers and magazines.

Additionally, Fritz is a graduate of the University of Virginia’s McIntire Commerce School in 1983 with a double concentration in Management Information Systems and Human Resource Management and an undeclared minor in Psychology. He currently resides near Charlottesville Virginia.

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“Age truly is a state of mind. Are you 30, 40, or 50 something because of the number of revolutions around the sun or because someone told you so? Neither. You are as old or as young as you want to be.”
Fritz Franke
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“People are made of experiences and experience. The first creates the latter. How we react to the experiences is what defines us.”
Fritz Franke
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