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G. F. Smith

G. F. Smith:


By his own proudly stated admission, G. F. Smith has a fantastic family: a wonderful wife of 35+ years who cares to great measure (a Director of a not-for-profit corporation in charge of a large staff overseeing Supported Living Programs for people with disabilities). They have four remarkable and talented grown children, and several awesome grandchildren (up to five at present), which are all a huge part of their lives.

G. F. Smith has always been a DYI type of guy; he understands physics, engineering, and mechanics, is technologically privy and knows his way around computers and computer controlled equipment. He is handy around the house, having been a tradesman in multiple fields, and a general contractor in his younger years. He has made a living in the management and continuous improvement of people, projects, and processes over the last several decades.

His writing skills have developed from working in the business world--entrepreneurial to corporate--writing copy, correspondence, training modules, along with consuming thousands of stories, books, and movies over a multitude of years. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Management along with other business certifications.

Though a private person, he enjoys people and welcomes public speaking and social interaction when there is something important to learn, as well as to share. He does not seek in any form or fashion to be a celebrity or public figure. However, he does believe it is immensely important that we ‘give back to life’ through our gifts, talents, and humble contributions.


G. F. Smith’s personal interests, as well as the main themes in his writing include: science, metaphysics, cosmology, psychology, history, and adventure; also at the top are environmental concerns, faith and purpose and causality, the future of humanity, inspiration and encouragement, and the discovery—and sharing—of the best in all of us.

He has loved many forms of adventure along the course of his life: motorcycles, spelunking, fishing, rafting, skydiving, and the sort. He also enjoys museums, reading, writing, movie and documentary watching, hiking, campfires, and family get-togethers. He is also a talented guitarist, enjoys singing, and is an awesome play-doh sculptor (at least according to his grandkids).


G. F. Smith believes, whether we want to admit it or not, that we all ask some of those deep, big-universe questions at certain times in our lives; and that just maybe we are part of something larger than ourselves—call it what you will. We are also all highly fallible, and as a result, all have our own particular sufferings and frustrations to learn from. That is if we can embrace the frustration and choose to ‘make good out of it.’

G. F. Smith is also a deeply spiritual person, though admittedly not dogmatic, or proselytizing. He espouses—as do most of us—the fact that he doesn’t know what’s going on down here on this little planet, any more than the rest of us do. However, he fully believes that our ignorance doesn’t necessarily mean that it is all just random, make-it-up-as-we-go-along BS, therefore justifying all sorts of abhorrent behaviors.

On the contrary, G. F. Smith believes that we all have great potential and purpose, and that by choosing to be humble, genuine, honest, respectful, forgiving and giving, we can help generate like behavior, and by doing so…make the world a better place for everyone to live in.


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“What is more precious: a thousand answers derived from one question? Or, one answer…from a thousand questions?”
G. F. Smith
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