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G.A. Aiken

A.K.A. Shelly Laurenston

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author G.A. Aiken, Originally from Long Island, New York, lives on the West Coast and spends most of her time writing and making sure her rescued Pittie doesn’t love everyone into a coma. When she’s not writing about sexy dragons, she’s writing about sexy wolf, lion, tiger, and other fang-filled predators under the name Shelly Laurenston. Find out more about this New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors books at www.shellylaurenston.com.

“Rhiannon readied her speech. The speech she’d given more than once over the years to Éibhear and, when they were much younger, to her older sons. The one that included things like:“I’m sure your father didn’t mean that.”“Of course your father loves you.”“No. He didn’t try to sell your egg to the highest human bidder.”“And of course, he never tried to kill you while you slept!”
G.A. Aiken
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“She heard Brannie call out to her, but she ignored her as well and kept going. Kept going with visions of a bloody and limb-missing Éibhear dancing through her head. Gods! What if they cut off his wings? Or removed his scales? Oh, by the gods, what if they shaved his head? What if they shaved his head? Nooooo!”
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“For it was intelligence that was the thin line between endearing rapscallion and idiot bastard. - Éibhear the Contemptible”
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“Fearghus entered what he now considered her chamber, but immediately ducked the book flung at his head. Clearly she’d been waiting for him. And she was not happy.“He’s the one supposed to be helping me,” she roared at him.“Did you just throw a book at me? In my own den?”“Yes. And I’d throw it again!”Fearghus scratched his head in confusion. He’d never met a human brave enough—or stupid enough, depending on your point of view—to challenge him. “But,” he croaked out, amazed, “I’m a dragon.”“And I have tits. It means nothing to me!”
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“The feeling to bury one’s head in a ditch can be an overwhelming one, but Annwyl fought it all the same.”
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“Dagmar tried to stand, and Gwenvael caught her hand, pulling her back down. "You can't leave me. I'm tortured and brooding. You need to show me how much you adore me so I can learn to love myself again.""You've never stopped loving yourself.""Because I'm amazing.”
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“What are we doing with him?" Briec asked eagerly. "Are we throwing him out a window? Let's throw him out a window! Or off the roof!”
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“Dagmar turned when she felt a tug on her sleeve, a human male standing next to her. “Yes?”“Yeah, how much for the blonde?”Dagmar blinked, glanced back at Gwenvael and the three girls before asking, “Pardon?”“The blonde. How much for the blonde? The bigger one. Just for an hour or so?”Of course. Dagmar would never be one of the whores … she must be selling the whores.“Five coppers for an hour,” she replied. “Any more than that and it’ll cost you.”“An hour will do.” He reached into his pocket and handed her five copper pieces. She dropped them into her satchel, tapped Gwenvael on the shoulder, and said, “He’s bought you for an hour of sex. Enjoy.”
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“But there simply was no grey area for him. There was only black, white, and annoying.”
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“Annwyl?” Ragnar repeated, suddenly remembering that Keita had said the same name before they’dburst out of the woods. “This is Annwyl?” Ragnar looked the woman over, from her absurdly large feetto the top of her unkempt head. “This?”This human who had more muscles than seemed necessary for any royal and watched him and his kinwith what he could only term as the mad eyes of a diseased animal.”
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“She started it,” Briec stated before holding his “perfect” daughter out to Talaith and announcing, “Shelooks to need nourishment. Unleash your breasts for her.”
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“He needed to go before he did something inappropriate. Fun. But inappropriate.”
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“Gods, Annwyl. What’s wrong?” Morfyd demanded.Green eyes turned to them and Annwyl sneered, “Nothing. I just wanted the two of you to shut up. You’re going to make us look bad in front of the barbarian!”
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“Feeling her strength return right along with her annoyance, Dagmar stepped back and raised her foot, slamming it down on the tip.“Ow! Evil barbarian viper!” He rose on his hind legs, his front claws grasping his tail. “You are aware this is attached to me?”“Yes. That’s how I knew it was taking liberties!”
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“Fighting her smile, his sister reached over and ran her hand through his hair. “That, my sweet brother, is called heartbreak.”He glanced down at his chest. “Will that be a physical deformity?”
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“I’ll go talk to them,” Annwyl said. But she cracked her knuckles. “Right now.”Izzy cut in front of Annwyl, forced a smile. “Why don’t I talk to them? Daddy listens to me.”“You want my sword?”Izzy blinked. Hard. “No. I don’t think that’s necessary. To talk to my father and uncles that I adore.”“You want me warhammer then?”
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“You bastard! Let me down!""Not on your life, beauty." The godlen claw gripped her tighter. "You get hurt, he'll kill me. Now quiet. I'm trying not to vomit." --Gwenvael to Annwyl”
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“Did you see the way she ran out of here? Like I had the plague or something.""Who? The witch?""Aye.""And this bothers you because...""Well...it's rude.""Uh huh." Brastias growled at his second in command. "Shut up.”
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“Hysterical laughter. Why did he keep hearing hysterical laughter? Fearghus opened one eye to stare at his two siblings. The were practically falling over each other they were laughing so hard. They woke him up from a sound sleep for this? "What?"His current mood wouldn't allow for this. And definitely wouldn't allow for him. Gwenvael choked out an answer. "She braided your hair, brother." "Like a horse's mane," his sister added.”
G.A. Aiken
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“So, Lord Dragon, what are your plans for this evening?" He adjusted his body awkwardly and the end of his dealy tail landed gently in her lap."Well, I thought we could do that thing again.""That thing?" Annwyl desperately fought a smile as she ran her hand across the scaled tip. Its very edge shaped like an arrowhead and as sharp. She briefly wondered if teh dragon ever needed to sharpen it with a stone. "Do youmean talking?""Yes. Yes. Whatever it is.”
G.A. Aiken
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“I didn't know dragons had hair. It's like a horse's mane."Fearghus snapped. To Morfyd's surprise, Annwyl didn't shy away from her brother and scurry across the room. Instead, she laughed, leaning closer against his body."No need to get testy. I was merely implying that your kind was really meant to be beasts of burden for us humans. Just like horses. And centaurs.""Oh, is that all? Well, I apologize, Lady Annwyl. I thought you were saying something insulting.”
G.A. Aiken
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“A small fireball hit him in the face. He again looked at his sister, smoke still curling out from her human nostrils. "What brat?""I said she'll want to return to her men as soon as she can.""I know." His sister smiled up at him. "And will you be ready for that, idiot?""It's Lord Idiot to you." Fearghus rested his head on his crossed forearms. "And yes, brat. I will be.”
G.A. Aiken
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“Talaith leaned forward, studied her youngest daughter. “You think you’re evil?”“Pure evil,” Izzy clarified, which got her a rather vicious glare from Rhi. An expression Dagmar had never thought the young,perpetually smiling or sobbing girl was capable of.“Why would you think you’re evil?”“It’s a feeling I have.”“No. Someone told her.”Rhi glowered at her sister. “I never said that.”“You didn’t have to,” Izzy shot back. “I know you.”“Well, who told her that?” Talaith demanded.And, as one, they all turned and looked at Gwenvael.He blinked, sat up straight. “I would never say such a thing to my dear sweet niece!”“You said it to me,” Talwyn snapped.“That’s because you’re not my dear sweet niece. You’re the rude little cow who threw a knife at my head.”“I wasn’t aiming for you. I was aiming for Mum.”“She’s right,” Annwyl admitted. “I just ducked behind you.” She shrugged. “Sorry.”
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“I’m your uncle?”Oh. So that’s what was bothering him. Izzy could have done a lot of things at this moment to assuage Eibhear’s annoyance. A lot of things.She didn’t do any of them.Instead she said, “Well…you are my uncle.” She brushed a bit of nonexistent dirt off his bare shoulder. “And I was your ward until years later when you finally had your vile, dirty uncle way with me.””Izzy.”
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“‎''Hayır!Duymak istemiyorum!''Gözlerinden,ıslanmış saçlarını çekmek için çabaladı.''Bugün neler atlattığım hakkında en ufak fikrin var mı?Birgün de ejderha alevinin içinde durmak zorunda kaldım.Hemde iki defa!''''Ama ben...''''Sessiz ol''Feraghus şaşkınlıkla sustu.''Ayrıca senin anne dediğin o soğuk o.. yüzleşmek zorunda kaldım!Kendi ağabeyimin kellesini aldım!Ve senin kardeşinin elini kırmak zorunda kaldım çünkü bana dokunmayı bırakmıyordu!Feraghus birdenbire sırıtınca Annwly tiradını kesti.''Ne?''''Elini mi kırdın?''Gülmeden edemedi.''Aslında bir parmaktı.Ama tepkisine bakacak olursan,kolunu kırdığımı sanabilirsin.''Feraghus güldü. Ve sonunda, Annwly de gülümsedi.”
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“Annwyl paniğini frenledi.Kraliçe ona, Hefaidd-Hen savaşması için bir hediye vermişti.Onun alevlerinin ne yapacağına dair en ufak bir fikri yoktu,ama kraliçenin onagerçekten yardım ettiğini umuyordu.Dua etti, Briastias'ın adamlarına seslendiğini duysa dabiliyordu.Hefaidd-Hen havayı içine çekmek için kendini geriye atarken , onların asla zamanında gelemeyeceğini biliyordu.Ağabeyine baktı "Ne olursa olsun, bu iş burda bitmedi ağabey”
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“Bana bir kitap mı fırlattın sen?Benim inimde?" " Evet.Ve yine yaparım". Fearghus şaşkınlıkla başını kaşıdı.Ona meydan okuyabilecek kadar cesur - veya aptal bakış açısına göre değişir- biriyle daha önce hiç karşılaşmamıştı."Ama" diye gakladı şaşkın bir şekilde" Ben bir ejderhayım" "Benimde memelerim var.Bu bana hiçbir şey ifade etmiyor”
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“Dagmar faced the Iron, quickly bowed her head. “King Gaius, I’m sorry about the confusion. I’m Dagmar Reinholdt, Vassal ofGarbhán Isle and Battle Lord—”“And my piece of ass!” Gwenvael announced from the other end of the table while he dropped into one of the chairs. “So keepyour grubby Sovereign claws off her.”
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“I’m Queen Rhiannon, but you can call me Queen Rhiannon.”
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“My Perfect, Perfect Daughters”
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“Someone's a very dirty Uncle."...."And a very naughty niece”
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“We can't sit around discussing pure evil without tea and biscuits, Iz. It's just not done.”
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“Your cold, inflexible heart makes me burn to be inside you.”“Charmer.”
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“It means she's amazing - and terrifying. Annwyl kills without question, rules with an iron fist, and has little patience for anyone. She can be cruel , she can be loving, she can be heartless, and she can care too much... I can't explain Annwyl”
G.A. Aiken
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“He stopped before opening the door and faced her. "You'll leave the window open for me and you'll be naked. When I come back, I'll take what I want from you, as many times as I want to." He grinned; it was pure and raw and astonishingly beautiful. "Understand me Lady Dagmar?" She shook her head. "No. You'll have to explain it to me.""I will. Even if I have to tie you to bed and explain it to you again and again and again." He looked over one more time. "And don't play with yourself after I'm gone. Don't want you wearing my pussy out before I've had a chance to use it." With his hand on the door, Gwenvael rewarded her with the warmest smile she'd seen from anyone. "Besides, you look so beautiful when you come, I don't want to miss a second of it.”
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“His affection for the human grew steadily by the day. Sometimes by the minute. And it wasn’t simply her beauty, but her utter lack of fear of everything and anything except her brother. She didn’t fear dying. She didn’t fear battle. And, most importantly, she didn’t fear Fearghus. She touched him. Ran her hands across his scales and through his mane.But it was when he covered her up with the fur and she sighed his name in her sleep, that he lost his heart.”
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“Well? What do you think?I think you’re the most amazing female I’ve ever met. And I would like to fuck you all night long. Bend over. What do I think about what?She sighed. Typical male.”
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“Sulien held up the broken spear, one piece in each hand. “A warhammer did this?”“You saw that hammer the Lightning almost hit Addolgar with. And that’s not even the one he uses during battles. That one is bloody huge. Nearly asbig as the bastard’s head.”Her father chuckled and stepped around her. “The only purpose of this spear was to protect you—and it did. Its job is now done.” He started tothrow the pieces into a bin he kept for trash.“Don’t you dare throw that out.”“Why not? It’s broken, and repairing it would be useless. It’l only break again.”“But you made it for me.”“You cling to what is meaningless, child. Just like your mother sometimes, only with her it’s mostly grudges.”
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“And Annwyl. Remember what I told you." "Protect my right side?" "No." "Feint with my left?" "No." "Nice ass?" "No!" His growl of annoyance only elicited a sweet chuckle from his woman. "Watch my rage, heart of my heart?" "Condescending cow.”
G.A. Aiken
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“Take deep slow breaths,” it told her. “It will calm you.”Calm her? Slow breaths? Instead she sucked in a breath to tell it togo to hell, but ended up sending her late-night snack spewing across thedragon’s foot.Staring down, it muttered, “Oh, that’s just vile.”Talaith’s eyes narrowed and suddenly she found her voice. “And yet, Ifeel remarkably better,” she sneered.”
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“(Ragnar just came back from the war.)Then Keita the Viper spun around and ran into his arms, hugging him tight. "This is all your fault!" she accused. "What is?""How much I missed you! And I was shockingly worried about you. I actually cared if you were hurt or had been damaged in some way. She leaned back, squinted up at him. "You weren't, were you? Damaged?""Not so that I won't heal.""Good." She rested her head on his chest. "Believe it or not, I don't know what I'd have done if something happened to you." Keita abruptly pulled back from him and punched him in the chest. "What have you done to me, foreigner? Well, let me make it plain that you'll not trap me in your evil web of amazing sex and unconditional love! I'm stronger than that!"And Ragnar sighed...loudly.”
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“I’ve grown ridiculously fond of you, and I’m not sure I can ever forgive you for that.” -Rhona”
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“You want me to be honest with you?” Vigholf snapped. “You want me to tell you why I have my hungry face as you call it? Because of you. Because I’m hungry for you. If there’s anything I want to eat—it’s you.” Rhona stepped back, hands on hips, and accused, “You cannibalistic bastard!””
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“I’m off duty, cousin, which by Cadwaladr law means I can beat you ugly.”
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“It was those damn wool socks. He didn’t realize he loved her until she told him about out-negotiating a god of war—the most haggle-loving of the gods—with socks!”
G.A. Aiken
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“Adjusting her frames, Dagmar said, “It’s time for you to stop talking.”“I don’t want to.”“But you will stop talking.”“We’re on my territory now, Beast. You can’t strut around here and pretend you rule all—”“Quiet.”“But—”She raised her right forefinger.“She—”Dagmar raised that damn forefinger higher.“It’s just—”Now she brandished both forefingers. “Stop.”He gave Dagmar his best pout, which she completely ignored, turning her back on him to again face Annwyl. “Think there might be some place private we can talk, my lady?”Gwenvael’s mouth dropped open. “Did you just dismiss—”Dagmar held up that damn forefinger again but didn’t even bother to look at him when she did.Annwyl’s grin was wide and bright. A smile Gwenvael hadn’t seen from her in far too long. “Right this way, Lady Dagmar.”“Thank you.” Dagmar brusquely snapped her fingers at Gwenvael. “And don’t forget to bring my bags up once I get a room, Defiler.”Annwyl fairly glowed as she followed Dagmar from the room, her smile growing by the second. Gwenvael faced his sister. “It’s Ruiner, which is a vast difference.So get it right!” he yelled at the empty doorway.”
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“Normally, I’d lie and connive and do whatever necessary to make you take me into the south.”“But …”More tears began to flow. “But that thing …”“Thing? What thing?”“That thing … in one’s head … that tells you when something would be wrong to do. It won’t let me do it.”Feeling a sudden high level of annoyance, Gwenvael carefully asked, “Do you mean your … conscience?”Her tears turned into hysterical sobs, and she went down on her side, her head dropping into his lap.“Dagmar! Everyone has a conscience.”“I don’t!”“Of course you do.”“I’m a politician, Gwenvael! Of course, I don’t have a conscience. At least I didn’t. Now I’m cursed with one. And it’s your fault!”Somehow he knew that last bit would happen.”
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“Gwenvael looked down at his body. Horrified, he sat up. “What is this? What’s happened to me?”“Calm down. It’ll heal quick enough, I’m sure.”“Heal? I’m hideous!”“You’re alive.”“Hideously alive!” He covered her face with his hands. “Don’t look at me! Look away!”“Stop it!” She pulled at his hands. “Have you lost your mind?”Gwenvael dropped back to the bed, turned his face toward the wall. “You know what this means, don’t you?”“Gwenvael—”“I’ll have to live alone, at the top of a castle somewhere. I’ll hide from the daylight and only come out at night.”“Please stop this.”“I’ll be alone but not for long because you’ll all want me more. You’ll lust for the beautiful warrior I once was and pity the hideous creature I’ve become. Most importantly, you’ll want to soothe my pain.” He looked at her again. “Don’t you want to soothe my pain? Right now? Without that dress on?”“No. I do not.”Dagmar tried to stand, and Gwenvael caught her hand, pulling her back down. “You can’t leave me. I’m tortured and brooding. You need to show me how much you adore me so I can learn to love myself again.”“You’ve never stopped loving yourself.”“Because I’m amazing.”
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“He smiled at her. “Now, are you going to thank me properly?”“I said ‘thank you.’ That’s considered in some cultures as thanking you properly.”“I was hoping for a little more than that.”She studied him for a long moment before she nodded.“All right.” She scooted down a bit on the bed, pulled her gown up high on her thighs, and relaxed back into the mattress. “If you could make it quick before the food gets here, that would be great.”Gwenvael felt a small twitch beneath his eye. He often got something similar right on his eyelid but only when he had to deal with his father. Apparently a new one had developed that belonged only to Lady Dagmar. “That’s not what I meant.”“I hope you’re not expecting me to get on my knees because I don’t think the healer—”“No!” Good gods, this woman! “That’s not what I meant, either.”“That’s always what men mean when they ask to be thanked properly.”“Your world frightens me. I want us to be clear on that.” He leaned over and grabbed her waist, lifting her until her back again rested on the propped-up pillows.“I’m unclear as to what you want, then.”“A kiss,” he said, pulling her dress back down to her ankles. “A simple kiss.”
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“Are you in great physical pain, or is that your thinking expression?”
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