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Gabrielle Burton

Died September 3, 2015.

Gabrielle Burton, awarded an MFA in screenwriting from the American Film Institute, currently splits her time between her Buffalo home and Los Angeles, where she is involved with her daughters' Five Sisters Production Company. Burton is the author of Heartbreak Hotel as well as the nonfiction work I'm Running Away from Home, But I'm Not Allowed to Cross the Street: A Primer on Women's Liberation (1972).

“-though sometimes it seems to mention a man who simply acts like a decent human being gets undue praise”
Gabrielle Burton
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“I am a school teacher doing life and death sums.”
Gabrielle Burton
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“GIRL'S STORY #7: THE HARD-TO-PLEASE MOMMAMomma, I got a B, the daughter said.Who got an A? Momma answered.Momma, I showed in the track meet.Who placed? Momma answered.Momma, I placed in the track meet.Who won? Momma answered.The daughter was chosen Homecoming Queen, the daughter ran all the way home, Momma, Momma, the most wonderful thing happened, I was chosen attendant to the Homecoming Queen.Who's Queen? Momma answered.I am, said the daughter.”
Gabrielle Burton
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