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Gail Giles

“Did you read the book or did you just read the words in order?”
Gail Giles
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“Em and I don't giggle but we sort of snort, so we snorted.”
Gail Giles
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“Jessica: 'This is a chick flick. You're either trying too hard or gay.'Wade: 'One: I was brought up to be polite. That means to think of the other person first. I thought you would enjoy this movie. Two: Most of the other movies are abou tkillings, bombings, explosions, resulting fires, and have big body counts before the opening credits are run. I don't like those movies. If that makes me a girl, okay. Three: I do like movies about sports. Of any kind. I think that makes me less of a girl. But none are playing tonight. Four: The woman in this movie is hot. Let's cross gay off your list. Five: I gave up trying too hard awhile back. Didn't work for me.”
Gail Giles
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“You get mad at me, you kick the tire, I don't get a bruise, the tire doesn't care, and you're the only one hurting. How's that working for you, Kip?”
Gail Giles
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“Simon Glass was easy to hate. I never knew exactly why, there was just too much to pick from. I guess, really, we each hated him for a different reason, but we didn't realize it until the day we killed him.”
Gail Giles
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“You know, Young, this is as good as anything gets. I wonder if this is it? Is this the very best day I'll ever have? (122)”
Gail Giles
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Gail Giles
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“With the sound of waves outside, the bed seemed like our own Guld and we were swimmers. Front to front, out bodies slicked with sweat, each swimming and stroking, one against the other. We rode the waves to the crests, then plummeted down, only to ride the wave to the next breaker. We swam against the current that threatened to pull us under.”
Gail Giles
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“...These guys totally agree that you're smokin' hot but think you're too young-""That means 'flat-chested'. Excuse me. I have to go somewhere and die of embarrassment”
Gail Giles
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“I figured out that I can't forget. I can't really forgive. But I can live. Live with it. Like you live with a scar or a limp or whatever. You always know it's there. It reminds you never to let yourself do anything so stupid and horrible and wrong again. I step out of my rut, step again, and keep stepping. (277)”
Gail Giles
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“You know what I figured out?"I hate this part." Dr. Martin leaned back in his chair. "It means I'm about to lose income or I'm about to learn what a crappy shrink I am." (276)”
Gail Giles
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“Just like the breakthroughs, the bad stuff always takes you by surprise. (121)”
Gail Giles
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