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Gail McHugh

A self-proclaimed chocoholic, married mother of three, and a lover of writing for as far back as she can remember, Gail McHugh is the author of two New York Times bestselling novels. The COLLIDE series (which includes COLLIDE and PULSE), was acquired by Atria Books on September 17th, 2013.

“The first of two sexy contemporary romances about a woman torn between her seemingly perfect boyfriend and a dark, mysterious stranger who will stop at nothing to have her.” - Publishers Weekly on COLLIDE, a Top 10 Romance pick!

Gail's next novel (also publishing through Atria Books), AMBER TO ASHES, is slated to release June 9th, 2015.

You can follow Gail on the below social media sites and email:


Twitter: @Gail_McHugh


Email: [email protected]

And her blog at:

“When you want something this badly, you don't just give up. You fight and fight until you absolutely can't fight anymore.”
Gail McHugh
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“I want it all, Emily. I want to spend my nights holding hands with you,” he breathed the words into her ear. “I want the all-day texting.” He kissed her temple and caressed her cheek. “I want the laughing and the forehead kisses.” He softly ran his lips over her forehead. “I want the date nights, the movie watching, and the breakfast making.” He dragged his hands through her hair, his teeth tugging gently at her bottom lip. “I want the late-night drives, the sunset watching, the screaming, the yelling, and the crying.” Still kissing her, he smiled against her mouth. “I know I’ll definitely want the make up sex that comes after the screaming and the crying. In want the good, the bad and e in between. All of it is what's going to make us amazing together,”
Gail McHugh
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“Don’t we all have to fill voids in our lives with something?”
Gail McHugh
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“Fate and the roads that get placed in front of us. It’s like one huge puzzle that ultimately fits in the end.”
Gail McHugh
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“I'm cool right? There's no lipstick left on me?" he asked, his smirk turning into a full-wated smile. "I love getting kissed by women who claim they don't love me - makes my dick hard as a motherfucker.”
Gail McHugh
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“I'd never hurt you, Emily. Stop fighting me. Stop fighting what you already know”
Gail McHugh
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“I want the late-night drives, the sunset watching, the screaming, the yelling, and the crying. I know I'll definitely want the make-up sex that comes after all of the screaming and crying. I want the good, the bad, and the in-between. All of it is what's going to make us amazing together.”
Gail McHugh
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“Then go after her, Gavin. When you want something this badly, you don’t just give up. You fight and fight until you absolutely can’t fight anymore. It’s in the Blake bloodline, so it should be easy enough for you. Besides, I’ve never known a more stubborn little bastard in my entire life.”
Gail McHugh
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“I’ve never felt so heartbroken and so in love at the same time. If you would’ve told me the day we met that you were going to break my heart— and that days, months, or even years would pass, that I would still be hurting like this—it wouldn’t have stopped me from falling in love with you.”
Gail McHugh
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“A faint smile touched Emily’s mouth. “You want kids?”“I want bucketloads tucked neatly into a minivan,” he laughed.“Gavin Blake in a minivan?”“Absolutely,” he replied, reaching for his beer. “A funky forest green one, too.”
Gail McHugh
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“You’re playing with fire, man.”“I can handle the burn. Just do what I asked.”
Gail McHugh
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“Sometimes bad choices bring us to the right people, Emily.”
Gail McHugh
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“Here's to bottle caps,the Yankees, and 'birds', and most of all"...he paused and lowered his voice to a whisper.." and,most of all to a beautiful girl named Molly who refuses to believe the man-the man who loves her more than she'll ever know”
Gail McHugh
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“With the weight of his body, he pressed her back against the wall, and licked the soft spot below her earlobe. "Tell me how much you f***ing want me," he breathed.”
Gail McHugh
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“Doll, you're going to get me out of your system as much as I'm going to get you out of mine. It's impossible.”
Gail McHugh
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“Every part of you was made for me. Your lips were made to kiss mine, your eyes were made to wake up to me looking at you in my bed every morning, and your f***ing tongue was made to roll my name off of it. I am more certain of us than I'm certain that I require oxygen to breathe.”
Gail McHugh
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