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Gay Walley

Jacqueline Gay Walley, under the pen name Gay Walley, is the author/script writer of the film Erotic Fire of the Unattainable: Longing to be Found, which was selected for the 2020 Brooklyn Film Festival, Sarasota Film Festival, Cinquest, and American Fringe/Paris. The novel, The Erotic Fire of the Unattainable: Aphorisms on Love, Art and the Vicissitudes of Life was first published by IML Publications (2007), reissued by Skyhorse Publishing (2015), a finalist for the Paris Book Festival Award and inspired her screenwriting of the film The Unattainable Story (2017) with Harry Hamlin.

Her play Love, Genius and a Walk opened at the 2013 Midtown Festival in New York and was nominated for six awards including best playwright and will open in London's Theatro Technis September 2021. She is a Zoetrope finalist for her story, The Naked Maja, and the author of the novels Lost in Montreal and Duet, both (Incanto Publishing, 2014). She also wrote Strings Attached (University Press of Mississippi, 1999), which was a finalist for the Pirates Alley/Faulkner Award, the Writer’s Voice Capricorn Award, and the Paris Book Festival Award, and will be re-released by IML Publications October 2021 as Book One of Jacqueline Gay Walley's Venus as She Ages Collection, along with To Any Lengths, Prison Sex, The Bed You Lie In, Write She Said, and Magnetism. For further information listen to the podcasts:

An autodidact, Walley studied a bit at the Writers Studio in New York. She also teaches privately and most of her students publish their work. She tends to push form in all of her works, and often (but not all the time) works in autobiographical fiction. You can find more information about her classes in NYC or over the phone

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“I find your inner artist and get your best work out of you by nurturing it and you. I do not try and make you write "my" book, but your specific individual book.”
Gay Walley
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“If I am not being creative, I get creative with ways to destroy myself.”
Gay Walley
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