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Gayle Friesen

“Don't you think...doesn't it seem sometimes like life is like a plane?...And we're all piloos, you know, of our own planes. When things are going smoothly then we're, like, on autopilot, but sometimes things get a little, well, turbulent and then we have to land the plane on our own..."What about the air traffic control?"...Well, sure. Sometimes the guy is helpful, but maybe he's drunk?...Or maybe there's this big fog so you just put your hands on the controls and look for the runway lights and do your best. On your own.”
Gayle Friesen
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“Okay. Sometimes the truth just lands at your feet in a lump, like a big, dead bird falling out of the sky. No warning...I stand there under the branches of the Honesty Tree. More dead birds of truth fall down all around me.”
Gayle Friesen
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“There's no point in getting angry. Anger makes you ask questiona. Anger sets up expectations and demands to know the truth. ”
Gayle Friesen
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“One never forgets, of course not. The events of a person's life become a part of who they are. It would be like forgetting the sound of your own beating heart.”
Gayle Friesen
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“First rule of a good shrink is probably to pay attention to the whining.”
Gayle Friesen
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