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Gaynor Arnold

“The master was the light of her life. And I always says that the ones who quarrels takes the loss the hardest in the end. It's regrets, isn't it? All they didn't say or do. She'll feel it more than the rest, mark my words”
Gaynor Arnold
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“As I know only too well, anticipation od happiness can sometimes be as gratifying as its consummation. Even during the first months of my separation, every footstep on the pavement would have me racing to the window, and every ring of the doorbell would set my heart beating as fast as a bird's. But as the months went by without even a word, I gradually had to relinquish my hopes of seeing him again. It was not easy to do so, and I am not sure whether I have managed it entirely; however I did stop waking with that thought in my head, imagining what he was doing every hour of the day, and whether his journey would by chance take him past my door. I tried to tell myself instead that I was fortunate in my neglect; that now I needed have no fear that he would arrive and his gimlet eye start to anatomize the cushions, or the curtains, or the state of the fireplace; that now, at last, my life was my own. But truth to tell, I would have given anything to see him walk with his jaunty step up to my front door and rap out a cheerful rhythm with his silver-topped cane.”
Gaynor Arnold
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“...anticipation of happiness can sometimes be as gratifying as its consummation.”
Gaynor Arnold
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