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Gena Showalter

“I love who you are, yesterday, now, tomorrow, always.”
Gena Showalter
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“What was worse, he couldn't tell her how much he thought he maybe might kinda sorta love her.”
Gena Showalter
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“Mirarte es como entrar por fin por las puertas del cielo”
Gena Showalter
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“Come on, baby.” Paris combed his fingers through her hair. “Look past my terrible personality and hideous looks and throw me a bone. Teach me how to woo you properly.” She snorted. “I’d argue the hideous looks part.” “But not the terrible personality? Ouch. That hurts, baby.”
Gena Showalter
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“Anya, the minor goddess of Anarchy? A woman who had more balls than most men—because she’d cut them off the guys stupid enough to get in her way and kept them as souvenirs.”
Gena Showalter
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“Paris, the FedEx deliveryman of Pleasure and Fatality.”
Gena Showalter
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“No one could ever truly be free as long as they loved, and life wasn't worth living without love. So freedom? Overrated.”
Gena Showalter
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“I would have been here sooner but Lysander held me prisoner in our cloud," Bianka said with a grin. "He wouldn't relent until Sabin gave the ok. Which I still don't understand and will continue to punish him for until he spills. Secrets or guts, I don't care which.”
Gena Showalter
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“He willed his body to remain unaffected. Sabin would fuss if Strider sported a hard-on around his precious. And, of course, "fuss" meant Strider would find his intestines wrapped around his neck, breathing a thing of the past.”
Gena Showalter
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“Bueno, he estado llamándome Scarlet Pattinson durante varias semanas. ¿Has visto a Robert Pattinson? El más ardiente. Hombre. En toda la vida. Y no, no me importa si eso me convierte en una asaltacunas. Él canta con la voz de un ángel. Dios, amo cuando un hombre me canta.”
Gena Showalter
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“Sometimes there are good reasons to do bad things.”
Gena Showalter
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“I'm king of the World, bitches. Come in here and bask in my glory.(Strider)”
Gena Showalter
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“No.” He wouldn’t lie about that. Not to her. And not because she’d rip him to pieces when she discovered the truth. “I can’t give you forever.”The nibbling increased in intensity, leaving a bead of blood in the center of her mouth. “Because we’re not a good match?”Of course she would remember every insult he’d ever thrown at her. “Yes.”“Then what can you give me?”“Here. Now.” Something his body craved more with every second that passed.”
Gena Showalter
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“Sienna, meet Zacharel. He's a warrior angel for the One, True Deity. Zacharel, meet Sienna. She's mine.”
Gena Showalter
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“By the way, only a real man can accept his feminine side.""I don't know who fed you that line of garbage, but I can promise she's laughing at you right now.”
Gena Showalter
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“He was in my nose, my mouth, on my skin, inside my cells, deep in the marrow of my bones. Just then, he was everything to me.”
Gena Showalter
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“I pictured the two of them alone. Perhaps showering together, as Rome and I liked to do. My stomach clenched painfully, amusement forgotten. “Cody, will you take me to the nearest clinic? I need someone to dig the knife out of my back. Lexis might need it again. And the good doctor might want to give me a tetanus shot. I think she bled on me.” Stunned silence. I often had that effect.”
Gena Showalter
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“Sighing, she shut the book with a snap. “All right. You need to vent, so I’ll listen to you vent. But do it quickly, because Rydstorm was about to plunder Sabine with his thick, hard—”
Gena Showalter
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“He’s called you, like, four times in the past week. And seriously, you should be embarrassed. I’ve never met anyone who has as much phone sex as you two.” My eyes narrowed on her. “How do you know about the phone sex?” “Duh. I pick up the phone and listen.” I gaped at her.”
Gena Showalter
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“But we all must be true to our own nature. Acting as anyone other than yourself merely brings you pain and makes you appear ashamed of who and what you are. Others will feed off that shame, and soon it will be all that you are.”
Gena Showalter
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“That means life itself is a fairy tale. Like the characters, we all live and love and search for a happily-ever-after.”
Gena Showalter
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“William to Paris: "I always figured you for the in and out type. Kinda stealthy, leaving the girl wondering whether you'd been there or not. But I didn't know you were quite this stealthy."(Paris) "Nice to know you've considered my sex life""Hasn't everyone?""Screw you""Again, hasn't everyone?”
Gena Showalter
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“One of these days you're going to wake up," William finally said, "and I will have shaved you, Everywhere." (Paris) "Won't make a difference. Women will still want me.”
Gena Showalter
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“Don't kill the messenger, but I'm think you should change your dating profil to balding." -- Paris to William”
Gena Showalter
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“William: What are you looking for in a woman?Reyes: I’ve found my angel, Danika. She’s all I need.William: Really? That’s, like, weird to me. Men should need many girls. No one girl should be so important.Reyes: How sad for you.William: I’m not sad. You’re sad!Reyes: Why are you so defensive about this?William: Let’s move on. Favorite outfit?Reyes: First, you said girls rather than women. Why is that, I wonder? Because you care about one girl in particular? Anyway, clothes are clothes. I don’t have any favorites.William: Go to hell. I care about no one and I’m proud to admit that! Favorite moment in the series so far?Reyes: The first time Danika looked at me with trust and acceptance in her eyes. I’m still reeling.William: And just so you know, girl was a slip of the tongue. Now. Least favorite moment in the series?Reyes: Every time I had to kill Maddox. William: Really? That would have been my favorite. Anyway, hobbies?Reyes: Do you really have to ask? Yes? Fine. Cutting myself. I’ve started to draw shapes. Like hearts. William: You actually admitted that aloud. [snicker][..]Reyes: Happy for the first time in what seems an eternity.William: Not that you deserve it. Really, I didn’t say girl for any particular reason. So what do you think of the fact that your home has been invaded by women?Reyes: As long as I have Danika, I don’t care who lives with us. William: Who do you think is the smartest Lord?Reyes: Me. Look who I picked to spend eternity with.William: I think you’re the dumbest! Seriously, girl was meant to encompass everyone old enough to be bedded by me. Now, if you knew you only had twenty-four hours before the Hunters found Pandora’s box and killed you, what would you do in the time you had left to live?Reyes: Not even death can keep me away from my angel. I would find a way to change such a fate. Again. William: What kind of underwear are you wearing?Note from William: Bastard flipped me off and left.Final thoughts from William: Reyes’s thoughts about me and my slip of the tongue were ridiculous and unfounded!”
Gena Showalter
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“William: What do you think of the fact that your home has been invaded by women?Maddox: I couldn’t be more pleased, as long as none of them does something to hurt Ashlyn. And I take full credit for starting the trend.”
Gena Showalter
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“You're going to have to settle on one eventually. Why not save us both the hassle, close your eyes and point. Whoever you're pointing at will be our winner." "I've played that game once before. Ended up--" Paris shuddered. "Never mind. It's not good to wander down that particular memory trail. So no. Just no.”
Gena Showalter
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“Humans had a saying. Mess with the bull and get the horns. Well, Harpies had a saying, too. Mess with a Harpy and die.”
Gena Showalter
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“Yes, you make yourself useful, angel boy. Meanwhile, I’ll be in the bathroom.” William’s jet-black hair was dripping wet and plastered to his face. There was a fluffy white towel wrapped around his waist, displaying muscles that rivaled Paris’s own, and a tattooed treasure map that led to his man junk. Looking at his, you could see the makings of a temper so savage anyone who miraculously survived an encounter with him would end up needing therapy. And diapers. “I’ve got to finish deep conditioning my hair.”Or maybe not so savage.”
Gena Showalter
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“Dangerous as a lightning strike, as lethal as a pair of crisscrossing short swords, William whispered, “You’re about to find out how your liver tastes, my friend.”“I have tasted it already,” Zacharel said, his voice its usual monotone. The snowflakes began to fall in earnest, tiny at first, but growing in diameter. An arctic wind blustered around him. “It was a bit salty.”How the hell was a guy supposed to respond to that?Apparently William didn’t know, either, because he gaped at the angel. Then, “Maybe if you added a little pepper?”O-kay. It was official. William had an answer for everything.”
Gena Showalter
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“Her little fists pummeled at him, and he accepted the abuse. Until he realized she’d made an improper fist and was actually hurting herself. He wound an arm around her waist, spun her and slammed her into the hard line of his body to still her.“Let me go!”“In a minute.” As she struggled, he pulled her thumb out from beneath her fingers and rearranged her fist. “Hit like this.” Done, he released her.”
Gena Showalter
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“William clapped to gain everyone's attention. "All right, listen up. I've got good news and bad news. Because I'm such a positive person, we'll start with the good. Ashlyn survived the birthing, and so did her personal horde."The hallway echoed with breathy sighs of relief...none louder than Maddox's own."So what's the bad?" someone demanded. After a dramatic pause, the warrior said, "I'm out of conditioner. I need someone to flash out of here and get me some. Hint, I’m looking at you, Lucien. And, yeah, you're welcome for my amazing contrib to your happy family. Little terrors clawed me up but good.”
Gena Showalter
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“If Paris were missing, he´d want the same guys looking for him. Seriously, the only team capable of getting better results would be Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers and Hannibal”
Gena Showalter
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“William, my sweet William! I want him.”
Gena Showalter
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“You are not Kaia the Disappointment. Do you hear me? That’s what I was trying to tell you earlier. You are Kaia the Mighty. How many Harpies out there do you think could have brought down the most badass Lord of the Underworld? The same Lord who also happens to be the strongest, sexiest and smartest. And by the way, in case there’s any doubt, I’m describing me.”
Gena Showalter
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“The best way to spell victory? K-I-L-L.”
Gena Showalter
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“When is your birthday?” (…)Wide silver-gold eyes swung to him. “You don’t know?”“No.”Pouting, she twirled a strand of her hair. “How can you not know?”“Do you know mine?” he asked.“Of course I do. It’s the day you met me.”
Gena Showalter
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“When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?” (…)A sigh of longing. “To be honest, I wanted to be ruler of the entire world. Or the ruler’s trophy wife.”
Gena Showalter
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“Any tips for winning?” she’d asked.“Yeah. Do what you gotta do to survive.”“That’s it? Wow. You suck at pep talks.”
Gena Showalter
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“He planned to stick to her like pasties on a stripper.”
Gena Showalter
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“Well I've been calling myself Scarlet Pattinson for several weeks. Have you seen Robert Pattinson? Hottest. Man. Ever. And no, I don't care if that makes me a couger. He sings with the voice of an angel. Gods, I love when a man sings to me. You never did because your voice is terrrible." She shuddered in distaste. "I swear, its like a demon running its claws over brimsone.”
Gena Showalter
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“Fresh flowers bloomed from vases, sweetly scenting the air. Again, he had no idea. Fine. He'd requested those. That shit smelled good.”
Gena Showalter
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“Fine," Strider said tightly. "You can. But you wont. Because you know that if you take the woman out of this home, I'll go gray from worry. And you like my hair the way it is.""Stridey-man. Are you hitting on my? Trying to get me to run my fingers through those mangy locks?"Gideon chuckled. "Sweetie pie."Striders lips even twitched into a grin. "You know I hate when you get mushy like that."Boy loved it. No question.”
Gena Showalter
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“Tabitha blinked innocently. "Why is your consort speaking to me without my having addressed him first?" she asked Kaia. "Have you not taught him the proper order of things?"So the little man wasn't supposed to speak to the women folk without an invitation? Screw that. "Just stay out of my head, Harpy, or I'll make sure you regret it. By the way, how's the leg?"She hissed at him.Win!”
Gena Showalter
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“Because yeah, females could be vanity hounds and most preferred their dates to have hair. Black, blond, red, it didn't matter, as long as the locks were thick and lustrous. And here was a news flash for little Miss Giggles: when he allowed his to grow, it was dark brown, nearly jet, with hints of gold and worthy of a fucking lion. Not that he was feeling defensive or anything.”
Gena Showalter
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“We were just sitting on the bed, together, and you were just drinking from me, your mouth on my skin, and you didn't have any panties on?""You mean you didn't look?”
Gena Showalter
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“That's because I'm made of awesome.""And dipped in awesome.""And sprinkled with awesome.""Gods, I love the taste of awesome.”
Gena Showalter
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“Har, har. You're a borderline fucktard, you know that? Torin to Strider”
Gena Showalter
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“I hate this Gladiator shit," Sabin muttered."Yes, well, where do you think the Romans learned from?"Sabin sputtered for a minute. "You're trying to tell me Harpies are responsible for this? That the Romans learned from them?""I must try only if you are lacking intelligence.”
Gena Showalter
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“Their mother had always stressed the importance of taking care of yourself first, your family second and everyone else not at all..darkest surrender”
Gena Showalter
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