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Gena Showalter

“William: What's your nickname?Maddox: I do not have one.William" I'm happy to give you one. Captain Ass. What do you think?Maddox: I can leave.William: New nickname: Big Baby. Anyway, let's continue...”
Gena Showalter
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“Not fat, just not anorexic. She's soft in all the right places.”
Gena Showalter
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“Paris answered for him. "Last time he spread the flashing love, Reyes threw up all over his shirt. I never laughed so hard in my life. Lucien, though, has no sense of humor and vowed never to take us again.""I'm surprised you didn't mention the part where you fainted," Lucien said wryly.Strider chortled. "Oh, man. You fainted? What a baby!""Hey," Paris said, frowning at Lucien. "I told you I hit my head midflash."Lucien”
Gena Showalter
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“Apparently, dancing for him and throwing herself at him weren't enough. Apparently, she had to nearly commit murder to arouse him enough to attack her.”
Gena Showalter
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“While Maddox now believed the demon did not want to hurt Ashlyn, he wasn't willing to take a chance. He would talk about flowers and moonbeams - he cringed - if it meant maintaining this delectable inner peace."Is there a way to break your death-curse?" Ashlyn asked. So much for flowers and moon-beams.”
Gena Showalter
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“I'll take the cemetery," Kane said. He didn't sound excited. Rather, he sounded resigned. "The club might collapse if I go.”
Gena Showalter
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“The lamp tipped over, nailing Kane in the head.Sabin shook his head. The man was a walking disaster Literally. Whenever Kane stepped into a room, things went to hell pretty quickly. Sabin expected the ceiling to cave in any moment. And yea, it had happened before.”
Gena Showalter
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“I tried to tell you. You said you didn't care, remember?"A muscle ticked below his eye. "You should have told me anyway.""While you had barbells within your reach? Please. I'm Disease, not Stupid.”
Gena Showalter
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“What's this about?""Finally. Interest," was the only response."If this is one of your tricks..." Like the time Torin had ordered hundreds of blow-up dolls and placed them throughout the fortress, all because Paris had foolishly complained about the lack of female companionship in town. The plastic "ladies" had stared our from every corner, their wide eyes and let-me-suck-you mouths taunting everyone who passed them.Things like that happened when Torin was bored.”
Gena Showalter
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“He had a bleeding cut on his leg and he smelled like shit.Her nose wrinkled. "Step in something?" she asked innocently."That I did not mind." He took a menacing step toward her. "What I did mind was being hit by a cab, then landing on the lap of a naked man. With an erection, Anya. He had an erection.”
Gena Showalter
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“Pale hair fell in waves to his shoulders, framing a face mortal females considered a sensual feast. They didn't know the man was actually a devil in angel's skin. They should have, though. He practically glowed with irreverence, and there was an unholy gleam in his green eyes that proclaimed he would laugh in your face while cutting out your heat. Or laugh in your face while you cut out his heart.”
Gena Showalter
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“The golden rays of the moon paid him absolute tribute. He was a buffet of muscles and corded strength.”
Gena Showalter
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“Ohh, how clever," Aden said and clapped. "A death threat. You know what's funny? That's not even my first of the day.”
Gena Showalter
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“I'm highly aware that some impulses are harder to ignore than others. I'm aware that fear of consequences causes us to guard our secrets. But it's our actions when faced with temptation that define who we are. It's our courage in admitting what we've done wrong that makes us forgivable.”
Gena Showalter
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“Do you think it takes true pain to experience true pleasure?”
Gena Showalter
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“If he had to have strange powers, Aden wished they could have been more like hers. That voodoo voice would have made his life a lot easier; he could have sent certain people (cough Ozzie cough) away with no memory of him.”
Gena Showalter
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“He licked at her lips."We are going to have some amazing children. The best this world has ever seen.”
Gena Showalter
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“(If plan KTB kill the bastard) didn't work, well, gray would resort to Plan B: Operation Oh Sh**”
Gena Showalter
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“I don't hate you.. I just don't like that you exist”
Gena Showalter
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“She stopped at the desk and held up a can for his view. "This looks like an ordinary hairspray can, right?""Of course." he said though he had no idea what hairspray was.”
Gena Showalter
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“do you have to sit so close?" she asked on a ragged breath. "Yes." was his only reply. "want to tell me why?" "no." (Darius replied) "i don't like it." She insisted scooting from him for the second time. He moved closer "want to tell me why?" he parroted. "No" she parroted right back.”
Gena Showalter
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“...the devil on my right shoulder must have brutally strangled the angel on my left...”
Gena Showalter
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“To answer your question, you want me because I'm made of awesome.”
Gena Showalter
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“You are mine, woman, and I am yours. Until you, my life was desolate. I existed, but I didn't truly live. Now I live, even in my death.”
Gena Showalter
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“No one wants to hear you speak, Bradie Boy," Kitten said in that scratchy voice of hers."Like that's ever stopped me. I can't believe we've got a bird and a cat in the car." Bradley chuckled. "I guess that makes me animal control. Nice.""I'm a Teran," Kitten said tightly, "not a cat. And if I hear you call me a cat one more time, I'll scratch your eyes out. Understand?""Oh, I understand. I just don't think you'll like what I'm understanding, which is that you can't wait to get your hands on me.”
Gena Showalter
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“My brother-"Fuck your brother." I squeezed the trigger.”
Gena Showalter
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“But allow Riley to boss him around? Multiply "hell, no" by "dream on" and divide by "suck it," and the answer was "the wolf could bite the big one.”
Gena Showalter
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“He bit the inside of his cheek, Death purring wildy. The pleasure of her touch, even one so innocent, rocked him to the core.”
Gena Showalter
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“Demon?” Gwen gasped out. Her back jerked ramrod-straight, and her face leeched ofcolor. “Did you just say demon?”Oh, uh…did I say that?” Strider once again glanced around the plane helplessly. “No, no.I think I said seaman.”
Gena Showalter
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“Evelyn: There's nothing wrong with embracing one's emotions.Brittany: Mom, You don't just embrace your emotions, you make love to them hard-core.”
Gena Showalter
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“Marcus: Cherry?Jillian: My ten-year-old niece.Marcus: She's named after a piece of fruit?Jillian nodded. Jillian: So is her twin sister, Apple.Marcus: You're kidding me.Jillian: Unfortunately, I'm serious. Their father is fond of fruit pies and thought it would be cute. Marcus: And their mother didn't protest?Jillian: She thinks Steven's cute, so she gives him whatever he wants.”
Gena Showalter
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“As teenagers, Marcus had been the muscle and Jake the brains. Marcus had beat up the kids who'd made fun of skinny Jake; Jake had convinced teachers not to punish him.Since then, Marcus had grown a brain (kind of) and Jake had developed muscles. But habits die hard.”
Gena Showalter
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“Yes, men are pigs. Except your brother, of course. He's actually a decent human being. Almost a woman.-Jillian's mother”
Gena Showalter
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“See? This was how he’d gotten me to fall in love with him. At times like this he made me feel like the most treasured woman in the world. “So you don’t remember doing this to me? Naked? In the shower? On the bed? On the floor?” With Matt Damon? Okay, how had the Sarah Silverman video gotten in myhead, now of all times?”
Gena Showalter
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“Giving up is the only sure way to fail.”
Gena Showalter
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“If all we've got to look forward to is disloyalty and treachery, why do we even make friends?""Again, human nature. Hoping for the best is what drives us.”
Gena Showalter
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“There was a dragon who had a long-standing obsession with a queen's breasts," she said, growing breathless. "The dragon knew the penalty to touch her would mean death, yet he revealed his secret desire to the king's chief doctor. This man promised he could arrange for the dragon to satisfy his desire, but it would cost him one thousand gold coins." She spread her soapy hands over his nipples, then down his arms. "Though he didn't have the money, the dragon readily agreed to the scheme."Grace," Darius moaned, his erection straining against her stomach.She hid her smile, loving that she had this much power over such a strong man. That she, Grace Carlyle, made him ache with longing. "The next day the physician made a batch of itching powder and poured some into the queen's bra… uh, you might call it a brassiere… while she bathed. After she dressed, she began itching and itching and itching. The physician was summoned to the Royal Chambers, and he informed the king and queen that only a special saliva, if applied for several hours, would cure this type of itch. And only a dragon possessed this special saliva." Out of breath, she paused.Continue," Darius said. His arms wound around her so tightly she could barely breathe. His skin blazed hot against hers, hotter than even the steamy water.Are you sure?"Continue." Taut lines bracketed his mouth.Well, the king summoned the dragon. Meanwhile, the physician slipped him the antidote for the itching powder, which the dragon put into his mouth, and for the next few hours, the dragon worked passionately on the queen's breasts.Anyway," she said, reaching around him and lathering the muscled mounds of his butt, "the queen's itching was eventually relieved, and the dragon left satisfied and touted as a hero."This does not sound like a joke," Darius said.I'm getting to the punch line. Hang on. When the physician demanded his payment, the now satisfied dragon refused. He knew that the physician could never report what really happened to the king. So the next day, the physician slipped a massive dose of the same itching powder into the king's loincloth. And the king immediately summoned the dragon."-Heart of the Dragon”
Gena Showalter
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“Leap out the window, my inner Tigress cried. You aren't ready to face such a powerful Tiger. I frowned. I thought a true Tigress never backed down from a fight. Don't you know anything? When she's in heat, she avoids everything male. Now run!”
Gena Showalter
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“Ten Things You Shouldn't Say on a Date.1. You're wearing that?2. Something smells funny.3. Where's the Tylenol?4. And to think, I first wanted to date your brother.5. I have a confession to make…6. My dad has a suit just like that.7. That man is hot. Look at him.8. My ex, may he rot in hell forever…9. You're going to order that? Seriously?10. You're how old?”
Gena Showalter
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“There are two kinds of people,’ she’d said. ‘Those who coast through life like ducks in a row, following one after the other, and those who ride the waves.’” Tears spilled down my cheeks, and my voice cracked. “‘Ride the waves, baby, and live. Live.”
Gena Showalter
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“People are the most difficult thing in the world to change”
Gena Showalter
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“How does fear become so powerful? We can’t see it. We can’t touch it, yet it gets its claws in us and begins to control us. Sigh. I hate feeling afraid, and I hate, hate, HATE feeling out of control.”
Gena Showalter
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“What makes big boobs and perkiness so attractive to boys? I mean, really. Two round, mounds of fat and a fake smile. Yeah, winning attributes.”
Gena Showalter
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“There’s a really stupid saying: When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade. Well, I have a better saying: When life hands you a lemon, shove that lemon up its stupid butt.”
Gena Showalter
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“I’m not a bad person. I haven’t killed anyone. I (rarely) lie. I don’t kick little puppies. So why do people look at me as if the world would be a better place without me?”
Gena Showalter
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“There are times I wish I were invisible. Which is silly, since I do everything I can to stand out.”
Gena Showalter
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