"Gene Ruyle is a contemporary philosopher who has something important to say."
--Atlanta Journal/Constitution
Author, actor, playwright/composer, psychologist, philosopher, poet, and priest.
Born in Beatrice, Nebraska on the Great Plains. Enlisted in the Marine Corps for two years right out of high school, with college and seminary coming immediately thereafter. Active professional in all of the fields mentioned above. Abiding work focuses on the major modes of human becoming, the meaning an individual fashions and lives by, and on the ways in which bothsoul and spirit manifest themselves in all aspects of human life.
“Shadows show the direction in which the light lies, but you have to travel to make it to where it is.”
“Only those who leave home ever really find it.”
“To seek the truth while living a lie is to fool oneself . . . and a complete waste of time.”
“Those who spend most of the time talking about their relationship don't have one anymore.”
“A half truth is much worse than a whole lie because it makes it even harder to tell the difference between the two.”
“No human being ever needs to tell another what it's like to be alone.”
“Most people miss so much of what they are, but the tragedy is they miss it without knowing that they missed it.”