Geo Gosling photo

Geo Gosling

Geo Gosling received a B.S. degree in Fermentation Science - wine making or beer - from University of California at Davis in 1993. He was an asst. winemaker/cellarmaster in 1995 when he had a bit of a bicycle crash. It was a bicycle (Geo) vs pick-up truck. Geo lost pretty decisively.

He suffered a severe Traumatic Brain Injury, along with many broken bones. His two books are about all of the trials and tribulations he has had to endure because his brain does not work...quite right.

The books are in no way medical or technical.

P.S. He was wearing a bicycle helmet - which you see in his picture - at his time of need and it is the only reason he was not D.O.A. (Dead On Arrival) of the ambulance.

He has now written a novel that has nothing to do with a TBI (Unless you consider the fact that, I the author, have sustained one.) This book is a political, sarcastic, comedy and so falls into the new "Polisarcasmedy" genre which could become huge if our politicians don't improve...even a little.

“Yeah whatever.”
Geo Gosling
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