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Georges Bernanos

Georges Bernanos était un écrivain français, gagneur du Grand Prix du Roman de l'Académie française en 1936 avec Journal d'un curé de campagne.

George Bernanos was a French writer. His 1936 book, Journal d'un curé de campagne (Diary of a Country Priest), won the Grand Prix du roman de l'Académie française.

“Je crois, je suis sûr que beaucoup d’hommes n’engagent jamais leur être, leur sincérité profonde. Ils vivent à la surface d’eux-mêmes, et le sol humain est si riche que cette mince couche superficielle suffit pour une maigre moisson, qui donne l’illusion d’une véritable destinée.”
Georges Bernanos
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“S'il n'y avait que des salauds dans le monde, le Réalisme serait aussi le Bon Sens, car le Réalisme est précisément le bon sens des salauds.”
Georges Bernanos
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“Satan is too hard a master. He would never command as did the Other with divine simplicity: 'Do likewise.' The devil will have no victims resemble him. He permits only a rough caricature, impotent, abject, which has to serve as food for eternal irony, the mordant irony of the depths.”
Georges Bernanos
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“Our habits are our friends. Even our bad habits.”
Georges Bernanos
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“On ne comprend absolument rien à la civilisation moderne si l'on n'admet pas tout d'abord qu'elle est une conspiration universelle contre toute espèce de vie intérieure.”
Georges Bernanos
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“Tiens, une ville qu'on traverse la nuit, et tout à coup tu dépasses la dernière maison, tu retombes dans le silence, comme dans le vide.”
Georges Bernanos
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“Il faut beaucoup de prodigues pour faire un peuple généreux, beaucoup d'indisciplinés pour faire un peuple libre, et beaucoup de jeunes fous pour faire un peuple héroïque”
Georges Bernanos
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“A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all.”
Georges Bernanos
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“But I shall give less thought to the future, I shall work in the present. I feel such work is within my power. For I only succeed in small things, and when I am tried by anxiety, I am bound to say it is the small joys that release me.”
Georges Bernanos
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“And now she was thinking of her own death, with her heart gripped not by fear but by the excitement of a great discovery, the feeling that she was about to learn what she had been unable to learn from her brief experience of love. What she thought about death was childish, but what could never have touched her in the past now filled her with poignant tenderness, as sometimes a familiar face we see suddenly with the eyes of love makes us aware that it has been dearer to us than life itself for longer than we have ever realized.”
Georges Bernanos
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“Suicide only really frightens those who are never tempted by it and never will be, for its darkness only welcomes those who are predestined to it.”
Georges Bernanos
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“Void fascinates those who daren't look into it. They throw themselves in, for fear of falling.”
Georges Bernanos
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“God! how is it that we fail to recognize that the mask of pleasure, stripped of all hypocrisy, is that of anguish?”
Georges Bernanos
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“It is one of the most mysterious penalties of men that they should be forced to confide the most precious of their possessions to things so unstable and ever changing, alas, as words.”
Georges Bernanos
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“There remains the unforseen. And the unforseen is never negligible. ”
Georges Bernanos
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