Georges Wolinski photo

Georges Wolinski

Wolinski was born in Tunis, French Tunisia, the son of Lola Bembaron and Siegfried Wolinski. His father was a Polish Jew and his mother was a Tunisian Jew.

After discontinuing his architecture studies in Paris, Georges Wolinski began cartooning in 1960, contributing political and erotic cartoons and comic strips to the satirical monthly Hara-Kiri.

During the student revolts of May 1968, Wolinski co-founded the satirical magazine L'Enragé with Siné.

In the early 1970s, Wolinski collaborated with the comics artist Georges Pichard to create Paulette which appeared in Charlie Mensuel and provoked reactions in France during its publication.

Wolinski's work has appeared in the daily newspaper Libération, the weekly Paris-Match, L'Écho des savanes and Charlie Hebdo.

Wolinski died along with nine of his colleagues, including Cabu, Charb and Tignous, in the gun attack at Charlie Hebdo's offices in Paris in 2015.

Source: Wikipedia

“Heureusement que le monde va mal ; je n'aurais pas supporté d'aller mal dans un monde qui va bien!”
Georges Wolinski
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