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I am the author of "Songs from a Cave and Other Selected Poems (1995-1999)" and "Obadiah's Stepson, A Memoir." (not published) I retired from public education as an educational consultant at the Los Angeles County Office of Education with a commendation for high achievement and from the United States Army as a Lieutenant colonel after thirty-four years of with a medal for meritorious service. My residence is in Huntington Beach, CA. My wife and I had four children and nine grand children.

“God made his creation in his Image he meant for them to be perfect a work of perfection but Adam and Eve broke gods law and sin came to be this is where sin comes from people disrespecting peoples wishes and people killing lieing hurting. Killing people inside to where they can't take it and cut themselves or hurt themselfs god meant for us to be perfect well are we now?”
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“Pain is a curse people can not bear but god who made the heavens and earth made it so so exept it. God made all living things he made us in his image Athiests were captured by the devil and were told lies so this is why we pray for them and hope they come to under stand we were not made by monkeys or a big bang.”
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