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Gina L. Maxwell

“And more often than not, who we think we need isn’t at all who we really need.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Yeah, Vanessa. I also call her Red, Viper, Princess, and behind her back, Woman-who’s-driving-me-fucking-insane.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Never date a man who can’t out-drink you in tequila.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Oh, he was definitely doable. Did Hawaiians have the saying “Save a surfboard, ride a surfer”?”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Reid turned to Jax and with nothing more than a look, they said more things in three seconds than most women could say in three hours. Thanks for always being there for me.No problem, you've done the same for me.I love your sister, man, I'll do whatever it takes to make her happy. I know you do, and I know you will. Plus, if you don't, I'll break your fucking legs.Fair enough.Then let's do this.Hell yeah.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“This is for you, for us. I wanted a tattoo of you on my skin, because I can't show you the one you've already left on my heart.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“But relationship is more than just liking the same board games.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Maybe the best way to teach you how to seduce, is to let you feel what it's like to be seduced.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Lucy Marie Maris...I am completely and utterly in love with you. And as god is my witness- no matter how long it takes- someday I will be worthy enough to be your husband, because I can't bear the thought of living without you.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“I can’t believe it’s you. Wait, why does my chart say Randy Johnson?” Reid chuckled at the ridiculous name he used for anonymity. “It’s an alias.” Wanting to erase the pained look from whatever had happened before he arrived, he gave her a wicked smile and added, “And sometimes a state of being.” Her brows gathered together for the few seconds it took to sink in, then her cheeks flushed with color and her eyes grew wide. “Reid!”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Was it possible to physically feel the moment you lost your heart to someone? Because Lucie was fairly sure she'd just lost hers, and the spot where it should have been literally hurt.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“You're absolutely gorgeous. But you look too empty." Holding her gaze he slid his thumbs in to circle the rim of her opening. "Want something to fill you up?”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Oh God, Reid," she panted. "What are we doing? This is crazy." "No," he argued, biting her earlobe and making her gasp from the strange pleasure-pain she was only beginning to learn about. "This is foreplay.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Placing one last kiss over her heart, he lifted his head to find her staring at him with The Look—the one that told a guy when a woman was leaving Let’s Screw For Fun City and headed straight for Let’s Pick Out China Town—written all over her pretty face.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Damn, Lu. When did you get an ass like this?”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Kyle held out his hand and Reid shook it like a good sport, but he made sure to add a little extra pressure and a meaningful stare in the universal male Don’t-f**k-with-this-chick-or-I’ll-eat-your-heart-for-breakfast-with-my-Wheaties look.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“I want you to channel Jessica Rabbit and give him a show.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Men always want what they can’t have, or what other men want. It’s a scientific fact.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“The back is one of my favorite parts of a woman’s body. I love to trace and lick the shallow line of her spine, from the top and all the way down to the twin dimples at the base of her lower back.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Since when?” she challenged.“Since when has my heart been with you?” She nodded. He stepped closer and framed her face in his large hands. “Quite possibly from the first time I heard you snort.” He placed a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Very probably when you flirted with our waiter.” A warm kiss on the freckle by her eye. “Almost certainly the first time you fell asleep in my arms.” A small kiss on the opposite cheek. “And most definitely the night we made love.” Finally, a tender kiss on the lips.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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“Give more than your everything or you'll amount to nothing.”
Gina L. Maxwell
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