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Gini Koch

Gini Koch lives in Phoenix, Arizona and writes the bestselling fast, fresh and funny Alien/Katherine “Kitty” Katt series for DAW Books, the Necropolis Enforcement Files series, and the Martian Alliance Chronicles series. Alien in the House, Book 7 in her long-running Alien series, won the RT Book Reviews Reviewer’s Choice Award as the Best Futuristic Romance of 2013. Book 14, Alien Nation, won the Preditors and Editors Reader's Choice Award for Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Novel of 2016. Alien Education releases May 2, 2017, and DAW Books has just contracted through Book 20 in the Alien series.

As G.J. Koch she writes the Alexander Outland series and she’s made the most of multiple personality disorder by writing under a variety of other pen names as well, including Anita Ensal, Jemma Chase, A.E. Stanton, and J.C. Koch.

In addition to her upcoming Alien Series releases, she has stories featured in a variety of anthologies available now and coming soon, writing as Gini Koch, Anita Ensal, J.C. Koch, and Jemma Chase. Writing as A.E. Stanton she will have an audiobook release in 2017, Natural Born Outlaws (The Legend of Belladonna Part 1) coming from Graphic Audio.

For full details on all releases, all the news about Gini's books, signings, events, excerpts, and more, visit her website:

“But before I ran out and got shot by someone I merely hadn't seen, I examined the remote. There were a lot of buttons on it. None of them were marked. Naturally, I considered hitting some at random but decided I was thrilled to still be alive and unscathed.”
Gini Koch
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“You know, things you did and do to make sure you and Mom have such a great marriage?” “Oh! I gave that advice to Jeff already. Applies to him more than you.” “Share with my anyway.” Dad shrugged. “I told him that he just needed to remember three things. First, he doesn’t run your life, and after today, he won’t run his life, either. Second, in any argument, there is your wife’s side and then there is enemy camp; never choose enemy camp in an attempt to be reasonable, because it never works. And, third, to remember that a happy wife is a happy life.”
Gini Koch
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“Psychos and megalomaniacs are my forte, remember? They all wanna hang with me”
Gini Koch
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“ And like a good neighbor, Alpha Centauri is there.”Touched by an Alien”
Gini Koch
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“Do I really run like that?" (Kitty)"Yup," Martini confirmed. "Don't worry, I think it's sexy.""Thank God. I think I look like a cheetah on drugs.”
Gini Koch
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“Kitty, do you have the bottle?" "In my purse. Which is in my room. Not that I think I can find my room from here." "I'll get it," Martini said. He stood up and disappeared. Ten seconds later he was back, bottle in hand."What kept you?""That purse gets worse every time I look inside.”
Gini Koch
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“What song would lull a snake into submission? "John Mayer?""Over my dead body.""Could be, Tim, could be.”
Gini Koch
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“I was on the floor. "Um, a little help?" Christopher put his hand down. Martini cleared his throat and Christopher's hand retracted. "I can handle it, thanks." "There's nothing amorous about pulling someone off the floor," Christopher muttered. "There is when I do it.”
Gini Koch
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“You ever flown something before?" (Christopher)"I hold the highest score at A.S.U. for Star Wars: Starfighter." (Kitty)"I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I'm going to regret this." (Christopher)”
Gini Koch
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“We lifted up and then bobbed."Back! Pull it back!" (Christopher)"It's hard." (Kitty)"The ground is harder!" (Christopher)”
Gini Koch
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“Oh, sure, they’d insisted I take Washington Wife class after I’d inadvertently insulted the Prime Minster of England, but how could I have known he wasn’t willing to admit that the Rolling Stones weren’t half the band Aerosmith was and never would be?”
Gini Koch
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“Welcome to My Super Secret Life, where people try to kill us on a regular basis, and we thwart bad-guy schemes for breakfast. We’re almost like a reality show, only without the alcohol and hot tubs.”
Gini Koch
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“Paper balls? You were throwing balled up paper at an alligator?”
Gini Koch
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“Yeah, I know. It's one of my plans. It'll go all Dog Day Afternoon somewhere along the line. But a girl can dream, can't she?”
Gini Koch
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“Boys, the longer you wait to get my requested prehistoric attack dogs, the more chance we have of people we care about getting hurt, more hurt, or killed. Oh, and don't hurt the alligators--they're a protected species.”
Gini Koch
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“I hope that's working like we wanted it to.""It's a plan of yours, Kitty. I'm sure it's going to go haywire somewhere.”
Gini Koch
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“I think you're cute when the power goes to your head.”
Gini Koch
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“Great. I was housing with the Extreme Morning Militants. What a joy.”
Gini Koch
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“Suddenly, I can see you weren’t bragging – once you go alien, you really do never go back.”
Gini Koch
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“Boxers or briefs- FINALLY! ‘THE’ QUESTION! FINALLY! I’ve been waiting since my first interview for someone to ask me this! And, my answer is: Thong or Commando”
Gini Koch
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“I was moving from worried to scared, and I could see terrified waving at me from just around the next bend in the road.”
Gini Koch
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“I hated having to be someplace on time, it took away so many potential orgasms.”
Gini Koch
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“You cook?” Alfred asked Martini, clearly shocked.“I can dress myself, too. And sometimes I can handle all Field Operations for the entire Centaurion Division. Amazing, isn’t it?”
Gini Koch
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“Once you go alien, you really do never go back.”
Gini Koch
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“Restraint is not exactly my watchword, either.”
Gini Koch
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“I'm with the Naked Ape." Jareen said. "Let's get in there and kick some evil overlord butt.”
Gini Koch
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“They didn't answer. But I was thinking. I'd had to do a lot of thinking like this over the past year, and it was starting to come naturally.”
Gini Koch
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“I had no issues with lesbians, but I didn't swing the bat that way, and I kind of resented getting molested.”
Gini Koch
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“The U.S. was the immigration country of choice even for alien jellyfish things that turned humans into scary monsters. It made you proud, really.”
Gini Koch
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“Wow, bossy and nasty. What a fun combo.”
Gini Koch
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“You come from Planet Hunk, sent to Earth to protect and serve. And make the ladies happy.”
Gini Koch
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“My crazy's working a lot better than your sanity.”
Gini Koch
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“I dug through my purse for the Glock. There is was, and I realized I'd never set the safety. I decided to consider this a great example of forethought rather than my being the stupidest gun handler on the planet.”
Gini Koch
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“Can either one of you actually fly?""Ummm...define fly."I heard cursing over the radios.”
Gini Koch
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“It's a snake, then.''Rattler?''Most likely.'I was taking this extremely well. 'We have to kill it. By we, of course, I mean you. I'll stand here and scream.”
Gini Koch
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“We think a person should do right because it's right, not because their soul will be in eternal jeopardy if they don't toe the line.”
Gini Koch
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“I'll marry you before any tree on Earth.”
Gini Koch
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